Dota 6.68 Contains More Than 2 New Heroes?

I am still working hard on 6.68. We plan to release a preview video in the near future to showcase some of the new content. There are quite a few new heroes in development so we are taking extra time to make sure they are high quality. There will also be balance work done for the current content as well various other improvements and features.
If there is anything you'd like to see in the next patch, please let me know.
My guess is there will be 3 new heroes on the Dota 6.68. Some anonymous tipster also saying that the new heroes on the Dota 6.68 will be Icarus the Phoenix (Intelligence), Thrall the Far Seer (Agility) and Krakko the Fire Panda (Strenght). However, there's no confirmation yet about this, so let's keep that as a rumor. And another thing is, he will made a preview video on the near future about Dota 6.68. So stay tune!
Final Update
It released guys!! Check out the Dota 6.68 Download Links and the Dota 6.68 Changelogs.
first blood!
ReplyDeleteso i think its gonna take like one more month or 3 weeks cos make a vid then release..............
ReplyDelete2 weeks for the vid, 2 weeks to finalise
but i am excited about it
wanna talk ass go somewhere lo...
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! The return of thrall n fire panda? Hmm... I guess the map going to be release a month more or mybe 2.... Same like 6.60... 4 month to wait...
Wow, that's great, and a video! I wish there would be an AI version for this one....
ReplyDeletemore heroes?? aww man
ReplyDeletei bored wif dota d..coz by player at garena alwys leaver...zzzz
ReplyDeletetriplle kill..
ReplyDeleteits wonder full pleas make an AI map dor me to train with
ReplyDeleteAi? huh. I think no AI we be make for this map... 2 many changes and of course it takes time.
ReplyDeleteIf u dont wanna play at garena because of leaver try UCPLAY a very good client.... No leaver, leaver will be banned immediately. Recommended for South East Asia only.
ucplay is the besyt
ReplyDeletewhat abt zeke?
ReplyDelete6.68 is taking tooo long
ReplyDeletei can't wait to play this new map XD!
ReplyDeletei have a good suggestion!what if you make some small changes in garena game??!put some psr(player statistic points)or some kinnda leaver percentage!so that there will be no more quitters in saying this sick of the player who always quit!!!
ReplyDeleteThose are all old hero models, so i hope they have interesting spells, like aa :))
ReplyDeleteHaha... icefrog sure did make a lot of new heroes from pandaren's splits. There was raijin, here comes krakko, cant wait what happens to the earth split ^_^
ReplyDelete"i have a good suggestion!what if you make some small changes in garena game??!put some psr(player statistic points)or some kinnda leaver percentage!so that there will be no more quitters in saying this sick of the player who always quit!!!"
ReplyDeleteto the guy who said this, there already "was". It was in ladder rooms. You will be able to see a perons loss, wins and disconnections. Too bad it was just recently removed. They were put only in special rooms though " Dota room 1-10".
the fire panda . . .
ReplyDeletenow the trio is official heroes
Please keep in mind that other than Icarus, it's still a rumor and there's no confirmation yet :)
ReplyDeleteworth waiting if there is more then 1 hero.
ReplyDelete1 more hammer hero!!!
u guyz must be fast in making experiments on items that is good for the new heroes goodluck to you all..!!!^_^
ReplyDeletelol... strenght??.... is it strength
ReplyDeleteSo interesting!!!I can't wait for 6.68 new heroes!!!
ReplyDeleteThrall in WoW ?The WarChief ?wow..very great news..
ReplyDeletethe fire panda should be agility type though, and the rock panda should be created too as a strength type..
ReplyDeletewtf ? thrall is a same model like far seer ..
ReplyDeleteffs .... so fire panda ... no like to panda hero models ... :( dislike .. Phoenix will be NICE !
VERY nice!
make a heroin str type(seriously..owesome)
ReplyDeleteKKKKKKK now create the earth panda --"
ReplyDeletehave u guys considered about this? what if thrall is int or phoenix is agi?
ReplyDelete6.68 is too long... i can`t no longer wait, because the classes is on June 15 can u release it before the class going.
ReplyDeletehey. I am now using a new computer, and I don't have any dota file with me. So may I know where can I download dota?
ReplyDeleterampage!! xD LOL!
ReplyDeleteFirst Blood!!!
ReplyDeleteif these three heroes is released..
ReplyDeleteThrall Should Be The Intelligence
Icarus Should Be The Agility
i hope they are imba hero...
ReplyDeletewew i hope all heroes will be in balance,, not to strong, not to weak
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ReplyDeletewe have the int panda (storm spirit) the str panda (pandaren brewmaster) and now another str?
ReplyDeletei think that the fire panda needs be a agi hero to complete the trio of pandas
~ why don't try looking for a new female hero strenght.. it almost unfair for the female.. who doesn't have in female in str tavern.. ^^ XD try putting a str female.. ^^
ReplyDeletebig wish for female heroin str type..hope it will created 1 or more...
ReplyDeletedouble rampage...xD
ReplyDeleteSLARK!!... that was imba one in dota... >_<
ReplyDeleteI like this!!!
ReplyDeletehmm...i wonder if there will be a new Hero of the Myth
ReplyDeleteLike u know,we got Zeus,why not create some heroes like Poseidon or Hades, or Even Athena?
There are also others such as Odin,etc...
it would be fun,right?
everyone also cant pls make as fst as you but make sure no bug
i cant wait..any longer
I wonder if the loading screen would have to be a team killing Roshan and being ganked by another team hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha wierd.
ReplyDeleteI suggest Ursa is the only one attacking Roshan while his other allies is shocked by the incoming gank.
I think the reason y there is no such thing as str female heroes is becuz in the real WCIII Frozen Throne There is no possible woman unit that is a melee
ReplyDeletePlus if that hero is possible to be a melee it would look awkward that a skinny woman is out beating a larger hero like leviathan and axe?
And seeing a large monster having female sex doesn't look tough enough dats y i thinl Blizzard didn't make one. though another version of brood would be a candidate hahaha joke*
ReplyDeletei can't wait to kill...
ReplyDeleteI cant wait to see the new heroes to use the fire panda!!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to the near future!!
in noob maps where u can build your tower and others... the phoenix is summoned by kael! i'm excited
ReplyDeletei hear u man..dastingo..hahaha
ReplyDeletekrakko fire panda??? storm spirit it all comes fron pandaren ulti whats next in 69?????earth panda???? >:D
ReplyDeletefuck u all bitches u working so so slow like my grand grandpa :D lol piece bitch finish that version faster
ReplyDeleteoh the fire panda is gonaa be a swords man
ReplyDeletestr female... killing by a pervert heroes !!
thats cool enough..^^
ReplyDelete i tink this hero will be out
ReplyDeleteI jus like to not what the moves are...
ReplyDeleteHopefully kinda cool...
how about dota hero split into fire , light, dark, ice, water, poison, blood n flesh, beast, wind, metal, plant, rock n stone,
ReplyDeletefire kingdom for lina, doom, ogre, bat rider
dark for balanar , nevermore, spectre
ice for rylai, dark terror, abadon, lich
water : morp, kunkka, leviathan
light : razor , zeus, purist, mirana, ezalor
blood n flesh : bloodseeker, butcher,zombie, rotun.
Poison : viper, akasha, venomancer, broodmother
earth : raigor, tiny, tauren, sand king
metal : yunero , skleton king, axe
beast : rexxar, ursa , bristle back, bear
ReplyDeleteplant : rootfren, furion, enchantreess
ReplyDeleteplant xDDDD
why is it that 6.68 is really taking its time :(
thrall agility, WTF?
ReplyDeleteWhn will 6.68map release?!!!!!!!!! I wan c the new heroes n their new skills..Hope gt new item oso..xD
ReplyDeletekrakko the fire panda and thrall is not yet sure
ReplyDeletesome one just posted that as a comment and no one can prove so don't get excited for them
or else when that 2 new heroes dont come out, you just waited for nothing and you just made yourself bored for playing and waiting and salerkka farankela salerki erduu watata
by the way .. the fire panda's name was not krakko it supposed to be tyron, and thrall wont be named as far seer like it was on the story
ReplyDeleteFire panda should have skill that make him can attack twice (Dual Wield) XD
ReplyDeletehope hacking like maphack and alike will not be useful on next update...! it ruins the game...!
ReplyDeletefucking maphack...!
Thrall as an AGility? EWW! make Him Int!
ReplyDeleteinstead of changing ANYTHING leave things the way they are and just add new heroes and new neutral creeps and new items... heroes are fine the way they are asking to solve the problem for a hero is like me asking oh make rikimaru undetectable when hes invisible or tidhunter having no cooldown on his ulti every hero has one problem so deal with it.. also changing basic structure of DOTA would make it confusing and annoying so leave it
ReplyDeletefire panda should be agi since earth panda and lightning panda are already str and int
ReplyDeletefix the bugs 1st b4 introducing new heroes... stable map is better than new heroes... both is best... there were rooms for corrections deal with it first
ReplyDeletecreate a bandit lord knight and bandit lord spear man.......
ReplyDeleteHelp me please!!! Can you write on the Russian language?? I have cery ban Engleash!!
ReplyDeleteWell, this site is using English, but if you want to read it in Russian, maybe you can use google translate.. :)
ReplyDeletecan i ask when the 6.68 map release ?