Nevermore Guide - the Shadow Fiend Build & Strategy

Nevermore Guide & Build, the Shadow Fiend Strategy. Nevermore is a great AoE carry who collect souls to increase his attack damage and maximize his ultimate: Requiem of Souls. This post contains Nevermore the Shadow Fiend guide, item build, skill build and strategy.

A demon of the burning legion so abhorred that he makes the skin of even his fellow demons crawl, Nevermore is a creature of the shadows that consumes the souls of those around him. When the Shadow Fiend comes forth to battle, he augments his power with the souls he has consumed, bearing down on his enemies with spiritually enhanced attacks and powerful spiritual blasts. The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying opponent whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most despicable fate of all.

Strength - 15 + 2
Agility - 20 + 2.4 (Primary)
Intelligence- 18 + 2
Base damage 35-41
Attack range of 500
Base Armor 1.9
Movement speed of 300
Shadow Fiend Skill Descriptions
Shadow Raze (Z,X,C)

Gives the Shadow Fiend the power to desecrate regions in front of him at varying distances.
Level 1 - deals 75 damage
Level 2 - deals 150 damage
Level 3 - deals 225 damage
Level 4 - deals 300 damage
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 10
Distances: 200(Z) / 450(X) / 700(C)
Shadowraze costs very little mana compared to the amount of damage it does. The Cooldown on each Shadowraze are separate which means Nevermore actually has three nukes on his back. This means he can deal a maximum of 900 damage (675 if magic resistance is considered) to a single target in a very short amount of time which makes Nevermore very dangerous indeed especially in the early game, when very few heroes have more than 900 hp.

Whenever the Shadow Fiend kills a target, he stores the unfortunate soul inside of him. For each stored soul he gains 2 bonus damage until his own death releases half of them from bondage.
Level 1 - 16 damage limit
Level 2 - 30 damage limit
Level 3 - 46 damage limit
Level 4 - 60 damage limit
Another one of Nevermore’s abilities that enables him to become a potent force in the middle game, Necromastery is directly linked to his Ultimate, Requiem of Souls and gives his massive DPS (damage-per-second, or just ‘damage’) advantage over other heroes in the middle game.
Unfortunately, Necromastery loses a lot of its effectiveness towards the late-game, as DPS-carries are mostly farmed up and the extra 60 damage become rather minuscule. It is very important, as a Nevermore user, to maintain that ‘edge’ through the middle game as Nevermore tends to be most effective during the early-middle to the middle-late game.
Presence of the Dark Lord

The presence of such a horrible creature terrifies nearby enemies, reducing their armor.
Level 1 - 2 armor reduction
Level 2 - 3 armor reduction
Level 3 - 4 armor reduction
Level 4 - 5 armor reduction
Presence of the Dark Lord is best combined with Stygian Desolator as the armor-reduction becomes very effective against many spellcasters. In an armor-reduction team strategy (e.g. Nevermore with Vengeful Spirit, Slardar and Templar Assassin), Presence of the Dark Lord should definitely be skilled. Otherwise, stick with Stats, especially when the game is not going your way. Think about it this way: -5 armor, or a free Ultimate Orb? (Well, almost an Ultimate Orb anyway).
Requiem of Souls (R)

Summons evil spirits around you dealing damage to units in the area. Number of spirits is related to the number of souls stored and the movement/damage reduction is related to the distance from the Shadow Fiend. Lowers movement speed and damage of nearby units. The closer the units are the greater the effect.
Level 1 - 80 damage for each line, 15% reduction
Level 2 - 120 damage for each line, 15% reduction
Level 3 - 160 damage for each line, 15% reduction
Cooldown: 120/110/100
Mana Cost: 150/175/200
This skill can be used to initiate team battle. The closer Nevermore is to the target whilst he casts Requiem of Souls, the greater damage he unleashes upon that target. If correctly used, Requiem of Souls will create devastating damage in a team fight, especially when combined with items such as Kelen’s Dagger or Lothar Edge.
Shadow Fiend Skill Build
Level 1: Necromastery
Level 2: Shadow Raze
Level 3: Shadow Raze
Level 4: Necromastery
Level 5: Shadow Raze
Level 6: Necromastery
Level 7: Shadow Raze
Level 8: Necromastery
Level 9: Requiem of Souls
Level 10: Stats
Level 11: Requiem of Souls
Levels 12-15: Presence of the Dark Lord/Stats
Level 16: Requiem of Souls
Levels 17-21: Stats
Levels 22-25: Stats/Presence of the Dark Lord
In any case, Shadowraze being Nevermore’s main nuke should be maxed out by Level 7 as it is his main farming and ganking skill. Requiem of Souls should not be skilled until Necromastery is maxed out first.
Max out Presence of the Dark Lord earlier than stats when:
1. Your team is playing aggressively and is winning in terms of towers/hero kills.
2. You’ve decided to buy Stygian Desolator for your first DPS item (BKB does not really count) and the -5 armour can really help.
3. You're playing a clan war and your team mates all have minus-armour abilities (Slardar’s Amplify Damage, for example) and your -5 armour aura can really turn the tide of the battle.
Otherwise, ignore that skill.
Shadow Fiend Item Build
1. 3x Ironwood Branch, 2 set of Tangos, Animal Courier
2. Boots of Speed, Finish Magic Wand
3. Optional: Empty Bottle
4. 2x Wraith Band
5. Finish Boots of Travel
6. Kelen's Dagger
7. Black King Bar
Nevermore's core item should be like this:

The Bottle is important for some quick heals and grabbing the rune. Boots of Speed need no real explanation.
Since Nevermore will be doing a lot of ganking, a Magic Wand can help him pull off some ridiculously awesome escapes, or give him that little bit of Mana for that one last raze. A Magic Wand is a MUST for Nevermore.
Always keep a TP scroll at all times, so he can either help you Allies defend a tower, or farm in an empty lane (the latter part is exceptionally important for Nevermore as he needs a lot of farm before he becomes effective in the Middle Game). Wraith Bands help him get last hits and gives him a lot more damage.
Boots of Travel gives him plenty of speed and much more farm, Black King Bar gives him magic invulnerability for a certain period of time and Kelen’s Dagger can be used as an escape mechanism, or used offensively as a blink to land your Ultimate right in the center of a team battle.
Shadow Fiend Luxury Items

Manta Style is a good item that increases your DPS by more than 2-fold. In most cases it’s going to be your first DPS item. You gain plenty of Stats, extra movement speed (on top of your Boots of Travel or Power Treads) and on top of that, a temporary-invulnerability activation that allows you to dodge most targeted spells in DotA. Your images do huge amounts of extra damage and the extra damage multiplies when you get other DPS items. The only downside is that your images don't benefit from the +60 damage from Necromastery, however.
The butterfly is a must for any Agility-carry hero. Lifesteal is something that every DPS-carry will eventually need.
A set of Stygian Desolator and Assault Cuirass is a good combo when you’re playing against a lot of vulnerable spellcasters, or if you team is based around an anti-armour theme (such as Nevermore + Slarder + Lanaya Combo). Just make sure that you have BKB so that they don’t nuke you to death before you can even get your hands on them.
Shadow Fiend Strategy
Picking this hero is suitable when your team needs an AoE Carry. Nevermore is incredibly versatile as a hero. Not only is he an excellent ganker, but he also excels as a pusher, has lots of AoE and DPS and can step up as a Carry should the need arise. He’s also incredibly fun to play, which means Nevermore is one of the most often seen heroes in DotA videos and various montages. Unfortunately, Nevermore is not a DPS hero, unlike what most people think of Nevermore. He is an AoE carry, his advantage over other carry heroes (such as Phantom Assassin) being his insane farming speed and the +60 damage thanks to Necromastery.
You need to be supported by:
- Heroes with big AoE Ultimates, such as Leviathan, Raigor, Rooftrellen, Rexxar andMagnus. They can help you landing ultimate perfectly.
- Heroes with mass-disables or Abilities such as Puck, Rylai, Ogre Magi, Rhasta, Lion, Dark Seer and Purist. They can help you land that Ultimate or a couple of razes, so have them on your team never hurts. Ogre’s Bloodlust helps, too. Dark Seer’s Vacuum works wonders with Requiem of Souls. Purist's Repel gives you a free BKB and his Ultimate is a team-saver.
- Heroes having anti-armour such as Slardar, Dazzle and Vengeful Spirit. They are Great anti-armour synergy. Works incredibly well in a team, especially with Stygian Desolator and Assault Cuirass.
Beware of his counter:
- Heroes with some sort of ability that can go through your BKB such as Treant, Rexxar, Atropos, Vengeful Spirit and Pudge. Be very careful in team battles when you see those guys around. With Treant Protector, however, you can actually wait till he casts his Ultimate, and if you then activate your BKB, you will no longer be disabled. Make sure you get the order right! Wait for Treant’s Ultimate, then BKB! (Manta Style works too)
- Insanely fast pushers who can easily push back that massive creep wave you’ve just created/sent, such as Furion, Morphling, Pit Lord, Akasha and Tinker. Tinker is particularly annoying as he can push all three lanes at the same time and his Rearm can be very annoying when he starts perma-hexing you. Try ganking Tinker as often as possible and farm that BKB ASAP.
Before you play in the real game you should practice first for using Shadowraze skill. To some extent, mastering Shadowraze is essentially mastering Nevermore. Practice makes perfect. Pay attention to two thing when you try to mastering Shadowraze:
- Nevermore direction. Don't let nevermore look towards wrong direction from the target.
- Target distance from Nevermore position. Use 'Z' when near, 'X' when average, 'C' when far.
In early minutes, you should put him in the solo lane. Nevermore’s ability to solo lay not in his starting damage, but in his excellent missile speed, his attack range and his Base Attack Time, not to mention his ability Necromastery that gives him a tremendous boost in damage in the early-middle game. Conserve your mana, farm as good as possible and keep survive. Cast Shadowraze when possible both to harass your enemy and to farm fluently.
In the mid game, you should combine gank with farm (around 25 % gank with 75 % farm) and try farm your vital items before the 30th minute mark so that you have the necessary means to unleash your fury in team battles. Once again, one must remember Nevermore is all about his AoE damage, not his DPS. It is important to never over-farm with Nevermore. He can’t beat Phantom Assassin. He can’t beat Drow Ranger. In fact, he can’t even beat Sven. But dealing raw damage isn’t what Nevermore is BEST at. Nevermore can deal a huge amount of AoE damage and that’s what makes or breaks those mid-game team battles. Make sure you get those razes right, get your Ulti out in time, and farm that BKB ASAP.
In team battles, Nevermore is a poor initiator but is a brilliant hero for dealing huge amounts of AoE damage and mopping up the battlefield, so to speak. Check if there are heroes on the other side who have Ultimates that can go through BKB (such as Beastmaster’s Primal Roar, Doom Bringer’s Doom). Wait till those Ultimates have already been used, and/or they are already stunned, before landing your ultimate.
Before take your role in team battles, you should ensure that you have collected 30 souls so your ultimate can be powerful. Here are some steps when you will entering team battle to take your role:
1. Make sure you have a cool head, because the next few seconds can decide the fate of your team.
2. Walk up to the battle, preferably at the maximum distance of your blink (which is around 1150) which corresponds to around two-thirds the length of your screen.
3. Activate BKB FIRST. This means that you’re invulnerable to magic BEFORE you blink in, because you won’t want to get stunned and get totally trashed once you’re in there.
4. Blink in, then quickly press ‘R’ to active Requiem of Souls.
5. Use your Shadowrazes to mop up any resistance, snuck in some normal attacks if possible.
Based on: Playdota Guide
This post contain Nevermore Guide & Build - The Shadow Fiend Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Shadow Fiend Forum.

A demon of the burning legion so abhorred that he makes the skin of even his fellow demons crawl, Nevermore is a creature of the shadows that consumes the souls of those around him. When the Shadow Fiend comes forth to battle, he augments his power with the souls he has consumed, bearing down on his enemies with spiritually enhanced attacks and powerful spiritual blasts. The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying opponent whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most despicable fate of all.

Strength - 15 + 2
Agility - 20 + 2.4 (Primary)
Intelligence- 18 + 2
Base damage 35-41
Attack range of 500
Base Armor 1.9
Movement speed of 300
Shadow Fiend Skill Descriptions
Shadow Raze (Z,X,C)

Gives the Shadow Fiend the power to desecrate regions in front of him at varying distances.
Level 1 - deals 75 damage
Level 2 - deals 150 damage
Level 3 - deals 225 damage
Level 4 - deals 300 damage
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 10
Distances: 200(Z) / 450(X) / 700(C)
Shadowraze costs very little mana compared to the amount of damage it does. The Cooldown on each Shadowraze are separate which means Nevermore actually has three nukes on his back. This means he can deal a maximum of 900 damage (675 if magic resistance is considered) to a single target in a very short amount of time which makes Nevermore very dangerous indeed especially in the early game, when very few heroes have more than 900 hp.

Whenever the Shadow Fiend kills a target, he stores the unfortunate soul inside of him. For each stored soul he gains 2 bonus damage until his own death releases half of them from bondage.
Level 1 - 16 damage limit
Level 2 - 30 damage limit
Level 3 - 46 damage limit
Level 4 - 60 damage limit
Another one of Nevermore’s abilities that enables him to become a potent force in the middle game, Necromastery is directly linked to his Ultimate, Requiem of Souls and gives his massive DPS (damage-per-second, or just ‘damage’) advantage over other heroes in the middle game.
Unfortunately, Necromastery loses a lot of its effectiveness towards the late-game, as DPS-carries are mostly farmed up and the extra 60 damage become rather minuscule. It is very important, as a Nevermore user, to maintain that ‘edge’ through the middle game as Nevermore tends to be most effective during the early-middle to the middle-late game.
Presence of the Dark Lord

The presence of such a horrible creature terrifies nearby enemies, reducing their armor.
Level 1 - 2 armor reduction
Level 2 - 3 armor reduction
Level 3 - 4 armor reduction
Level 4 - 5 armor reduction
Presence of the Dark Lord is best combined with Stygian Desolator as the armor-reduction becomes very effective against many spellcasters. In an armor-reduction team strategy (e.g. Nevermore with Vengeful Spirit, Slardar and Templar Assassin), Presence of the Dark Lord should definitely be skilled. Otherwise, stick with Stats, especially when the game is not going your way. Think about it this way: -5 armor, or a free Ultimate Orb? (Well, almost an Ultimate Orb anyway).
Requiem of Souls (R)

Summons evil spirits around you dealing damage to units in the area. Number of spirits is related to the number of souls stored and the movement/damage reduction is related to the distance from the Shadow Fiend. Lowers movement speed and damage of nearby units. The closer the units are the greater the effect.
Level 1 - 80 damage for each line, 15% reduction
Level 2 - 120 damage for each line, 15% reduction
Level 3 - 160 damage for each line, 15% reduction
Cooldown: 120/110/100
Mana Cost: 150/175/200
This skill can be used to initiate team battle. The closer Nevermore is to the target whilst he casts Requiem of Souls, the greater damage he unleashes upon that target. If correctly used, Requiem of Souls will create devastating damage in a team fight, especially when combined with items such as Kelen’s Dagger or Lothar Edge.
Shadow Fiend Skill Build
Level 1: Necromastery
Level 2: Shadow Raze
Level 3: Shadow Raze
Level 4: Necromastery
Level 5: Shadow Raze
Level 6: Necromastery
Level 7: Shadow Raze
Level 8: Necromastery
Level 9: Requiem of Souls
Level 10: Stats
Level 11: Requiem of Souls
Levels 12-15: Presence of the Dark Lord/Stats
Level 16: Requiem of Souls
Levels 17-21: Stats
Levels 22-25: Stats/Presence of the Dark Lord
In any case, Shadowraze being Nevermore’s main nuke should be maxed out by Level 7 as it is his main farming and ganking skill. Requiem of Souls should not be skilled until Necromastery is maxed out first.
Max out Presence of the Dark Lord earlier than stats when:
1. Your team is playing aggressively and is winning in terms of towers/hero kills.
2. You’ve decided to buy Stygian Desolator for your first DPS item (BKB does not really count) and the -5 armour can really help.
3. You're playing a clan war and your team mates all have minus-armour abilities (Slardar’s Amplify Damage, for example) and your -5 armour aura can really turn the tide of the battle.
Otherwise, ignore that skill.
Shadow Fiend Item Build
1. 3x Ironwood Branch, 2 set of Tangos, Animal Courier
2. Boots of Speed, Finish Magic Wand
3. Optional: Empty Bottle
4. 2x Wraith Band
5. Finish Boots of Travel
6. Kelen's Dagger
7. Black King Bar
Nevermore's core item should be like this:

The Bottle is important for some quick heals and grabbing the rune. Boots of Speed need no real explanation.
Since Nevermore will be doing a lot of ganking, a Magic Wand can help him pull off some ridiculously awesome escapes, or give him that little bit of Mana for that one last raze. A Magic Wand is a MUST for Nevermore.
Always keep a TP scroll at all times, so he can either help you Allies defend a tower, or farm in an empty lane (the latter part is exceptionally important for Nevermore as he needs a lot of farm before he becomes effective in the Middle Game). Wraith Bands help him get last hits and gives him a lot more damage.
Boots of Travel gives him plenty of speed and much more farm, Black King Bar gives him magic invulnerability for a certain period of time and Kelen’s Dagger can be used as an escape mechanism, or used offensively as a blink to land your Ultimate right in the center of a team battle.
Shadow Fiend Luxury Items

Manta Style is a good item that increases your DPS by more than 2-fold. In most cases it’s going to be your first DPS item. You gain plenty of Stats, extra movement speed (on top of your Boots of Travel or Power Treads) and on top of that, a temporary-invulnerability activation that allows you to dodge most targeted spells in DotA. Your images do huge amounts of extra damage and the extra damage multiplies when you get other DPS items. The only downside is that your images don't benefit from the +60 damage from Necromastery, however.
The butterfly is a must for any Agility-carry hero. Lifesteal is something that every DPS-carry will eventually need.
A set of Stygian Desolator and Assault Cuirass is a good combo when you’re playing against a lot of vulnerable spellcasters, or if you team is based around an anti-armour theme (such as Nevermore + Slarder + Lanaya Combo). Just make sure that you have BKB so that they don’t nuke you to death before you can even get your hands on them.
Shadow Fiend Strategy
Picking this hero is suitable when your team needs an AoE Carry. Nevermore is incredibly versatile as a hero. Not only is he an excellent ganker, but he also excels as a pusher, has lots of AoE and DPS and can step up as a Carry should the need arise. He’s also incredibly fun to play, which means Nevermore is one of the most often seen heroes in DotA videos and various montages. Unfortunately, Nevermore is not a DPS hero, unlike what most people think of Nevermore. He is an AoE carry, his advantage over other carry heroes (such as Phantom Assassin) being his insane farming speed and the +60 damage thanks to Necromastery.
You need to be supported by:
- Heroes with big AoE Ultimates, such as Leviathan, Raigor, Rooftrellen, Rexxar andMagnus. They can help you landing ultimate perfectly.
- Heroes with mass-disables or Abilities such as Puck, Rylai, Ogre Magi, Rhasta, Lion, Dark Seer and Purist. They can help you land that Ultimate or a couple of razes, so have them on your team never hurts. Ogre’s Bloodlust helps, too. Dark Seer’s Vacuum works wonders with Requiem of Souls. Purist's Repel gives you a free BKB and his Ultimate is a team-saver.
- Heroes having anti-armour such as Slardar, Dazzle and Vengeful Spirit. They are Great anti-armour synergy. Works incredibly well in a team, especially with Stygian Desolator and Assault Cuirass.
Beware of his counter:
- Heroes with some sort of ability that can go through your BKB such as Treant, Rexxar, Atropos, Vengeful Spirit and Pudge. Be very careful in team battles when you see those guys around. With Treant Protector, however, you can actually wait till he casts his Ultimate, and if you then activate your BKB, you will no longer be disabled. Make sure you get the order right! Wait for Treant’s Ultimate, then BKB! (Manta Style works too)
- Insanely fast pushers who can easily push back that massive creep wave you’ve just created/sent, such as Furion, Morphling, Pit Lord, Akasha and Tinker. Tinker is particularly annoying as he can push all three lanes at the same time and his Rearm can be very annoying when he starts perma-hexing you. Try ganking Tinker as often as possible and farm that BKB ASAP.
Before you play in the real game you should practice first for using Shadowraze skill. To some extent, mastering Shadowraze is essentially mastering Nevermore. Practice makes perfect. Pay attention to two thing when you try to mastering Shadowraze:
- Nevermore direction. Don't let nevermore look towards wrong direction from the target.
- Target distance from Nevermore position. Use 'Z' when near, 'X' when average, 'C' when far.
In early minutes, you should put him in the solo lane. Nevermore’s ability to solo lay not in his starting damage, but in his excellent missile speed, his attack range and his Base Attack Time, not to mention his ability Necromastery that gives him a tremendous boost in damage in the early-middle game. Conserve your mana, farm as good as possible and keep survive. Cast Shadowraze when possible both to harass your enemy and to farm fluently.
In the mid game, you should combine gank with farm (around 25 % gank with 75 % farm) and try farm your vital items before the 30th minute mark so that you have the necessary means to unleash your fury in team battles. Once again, one must remember Nevermore is all about his AoE damage, not his DPS. It is important to never over-farm with Nevermore. He can’t beat Phantom Assassin. He can’t beat Drow Ranger. In fact, he can’t even beat Sven. But dealing raw damage isn’t what Nevermore is BEST at. Nevermore can deal a huge amount of AoE damage and that’s what makes or breaks those mid-game team battles. Make sure you get those razes right, get your Ulti out in time, and farm that BKB ASAP.
In team battles, Nevermore is a poor initiator but is a brilliant hero for dealing huge amounts of AoE damage and mopping up the battlefield, so to speak. Check if there are heroes on the other side who have Ultimates that can go through BKB (such as Beastmaster’s Primal Roar, Doom Bringer’s Doom). Wait till those Ultimates have already been used, and/or they are already stunned, before landing your ultimate.
Before take your role in team battles, you should ensure that you have collected 30 souls so your ultimate can be powerful. Here are some steps when you will entering team battle to take your role:
1. Make sure you have a cool head, because the next few seconds can decide the fate of your team.
2. Walk up to the battle, preferably at the maximum distance of your blink (which is around 1150) which corresponds to around two-thirds the length of your screen.
3. Activate BKB FIRST. This means that you’re invulnerable to magic BEFORE you blink in, because you won’t want to get stunned and get totally trashed once you’re in there.
4. Blink in, then quickly press ‘R’ to active Requiem of Souls.
5. Use your Shadowrazes to mop up any resistance, snuck in some normal attacks if possible.
Based on: Playdota Guide
This post contain Nevermore Guide & Build - The Shadow Fiend Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Shadow Fiend Forum.
cool. :)
ReplyDeleteEoS will superb w/ satanic
ReplyDeletezzzzzz,dont u know satanic have and orb effect??
ReplyDeleteSatanic is orb effect, skadi for ranged is just a buff placer
ReplyDeletethey STACK :)
I Used That Items Everytime I Use Nevermore.
ReplyDeletebtw which combo is better dagger blink to ulti or lothar in and ulti?
ReplyDelete"btw which combo is better dagger blink to ulti or lothar in and ulti?"
ReplyDeleteit is better if dagger blink then ulti. but make sure you have black king bar later...
It depends on heroes.
ReplyDeleteFor example , if you have heroes like slardar or bh , no point buying lothar. Blink will be a better escaping tool.
If your team have great initiators, blink dagger would be much better.
P.S: in high level games , it is better to buy lothar if the opponent picked heroes like
Phantom lancer
whatta noob
ReplyDeletebetter use lothar.........
ReplyDeleteif dagger...
magina, or any blink item or skill wid fast hands can escape on ur offense.
it is preferrable o use lothar
lothar the best item for cast his ulti?>>:)
ReplyDeleteLothars is better, like the comment posted, nevermore's ulti has about 1.5secs delay before its casted so if ur up against legit players, they'll have more time to think of an escape mechanism. And plus his ulti does more damage if ur closer to the enemy so with lothar's you can go right next to them
ReplyDeleteIt depends on where you play. If you play on public games, it's better using lothar because people rarely but sentry or gem. However, on competitive play, Dagger is still better, especially combined with BKB and and initiator like Leviathan
ReplyDeletei think the items that you will build for this hero will depend on your enemy/ strategy..if you are fighting heroes with blink or disable or almost the same escape mechanisms,it is better to have lothars,and if you have a good team initiator,it is also good to dagger blink right away and cast your ultimate in the right place/position where you could deal huge amount of damage..anyways,DotA is a varying game so you can play heroes the way you like or the way you are comfortable with it.
ReplyDeleteassult cuirass
blood stone
You have got to be kidding.
ReplyDeleteweak kau!!
buriza (you have to be fed a lot to get this items :))) )
lothar's is difinetely better with you being able to place requiem of souls!!!!
ReplyDeletelutar is the best item for sf.and followed by bkb...ok!
ReplyDeletekAY sF LotHar,mKB,manta,dagger or lothar,BKB
pa add GG
BOT, lothars, bkb, manta, heart, deso ^^ just a share.
ReplyDeletenevermore needz the ff.
ReplyDeletebutz of travel
tzting nyo ang lkaz tlage ni nevermore
skadi is better than deso my item for nvm would be skadi lothar btterfly tara bot dagger
ReplyDeletewhat woul be the best startng item in as 5v5 gme?
ReplyDeleteneed ans.
ReplyDeletewhy aganims???
ReplyDelete@above: cause he's a pro so damn good aghanims work on nevermore. :O
ReplyDeletelothar/dagger + ethereal + BKB = 1 men down
ReplyDeleteethereal + BKB = invulnerable
dagger+eul's+Req= 1 unstoppable SF
ReplyDeleteidol anonymous! dota adviser ..^^
ReplyDeleteaddd me og GG .... ~|c00ffff00Jazz
ReplyDeletemy items for nevermore are depends on the competetive....
1.Boots of Travel
thats good so far but lotar isa not good for nevermore^_^
ReplyDeleteu now all of you, for me its better to use dagger
ReplyDeletefor competitive plays, dagger is preffered cause there is team play..
ReplyDeletebut for pub games, lothars is better cause u'll most likely kill by urself without someone to initiate a gank or to set for your ulti.. and for the reason that enemies will force each other to buy gem/dust/wards, that will result mostly none of them will buy...
but it will and always depend on the situation..
you need satanic for life steel
ReplyDeletelol ugly you
ReplyDeletebuy manta on nevermore is better then bkb :<
ReplyDeleteim the best with nevermor
ReplyDeleteeuls + phase boots + requiem = 1hit KO
ReplyDeleteweak nman ehh jokes,,
(Just Use Kelen+BKB+ulti+ShadowRaze+MoM)
After You use Ulti all nearby Hero will -40% hp
so left 60%. and after using Ulti ur BkB still left many second and use MoM for aspd DPS combo with TideHunter
after MOM use ShadowRaze ....
i use my guide i got ultra kill in Battle net Indonesia
my style is must be lvl 8 i build already a lothar's then 12 is boots of travel
are you guyz idiot? do you know how to play dota? hahaha.
ReplyDeleteLOL u are so weak
ReplyDeleteu are so Facking vullchit!!
ReplyDeletebogok mug mga mama .... single bie !! :P
ReplyDeletepuck Q
ReplyDeletei think its better to use lothars edge
ReplyDeleteang bobobo niyu naman magdota
ReplyDeletemga bobo.. puro baklaan ang alam mga hindot
ReplyDeletewag n kaung mag dota
ReplyDeletebobo bkit kayo mag aaganims tanga nyo gago kayo mga weak
ReplyDeleteganun pala yun!!!
ReplyDeletenuma kamo ki liba diinyo bagon !
ReplyDeleteweak suck 1st my cock
ReplyDeletence !
ReplyDeletewhy .. ?? AGHNMS ??
ReplyDeletehahah! ou nga ang bobo naman nuN hah! your such!! a WEAk!
ReplyDeletekailangan ba buttle furry para kay never?
ReplyDeleteno trash talk allowed" i will kill you
if the man pilot is pro..
ReplyDeleteweak kayo!!! imba
ReplyDeletesus aganims hahahahahahaahhaha bokol
ReplyDeleteang bobo nyo... san kayo pinanganak? sa kubeta??? ambaho nyo magdota parang hulmahan ng tae...
ReplyDeleteIDOL EH.... AGHANIMS... TALINO...
ReplyDeletetae tobol eget
ReplyDeleteaganims? tanga ka ba?? suck my dick na lang gago ahahaha haup ka pokpok nanay mo di ka marunong mag dota tanga
ReplyDeletepwede din paps dmg at regen po un, pero mas maganda kung linken na lang ibuild kung gusto nio na may perse kasi nakaka block p ng spell un.. opinion lang po paps
ReplyDeletefuck u mamen.
ReplyDeletei agree with you bro..most of the guys here are so stupid to realize that..
ReplyDeletebattle fury+manta=Beyond ythe god like
ReplyDeletekailangan ng battle fury+manta+deso+domi+
ReplyDeleteo dika vanggarad
yan ang tama!!!!!
ang bobo ni Anonymous, kausap nya sarili nya.. bobo, noob.. bullchit kang gago
ReplyDeleteakoh kaya koh 6 minutes aganyms
ReplyDeletesuch a weak!! use dagon for sure kill and combo!
ReplyDeletepa add po!
ReplyDeletebawal kc long range siya and pwede lang sa battle furry ay melee
ReplyDeletenevermore stategy is goog enough to use to the true dota wars
ReplyDeletehaha mga v0v0 build wag na kyo mag dota kung ganyan lng mga build nyo.....kung mag dodota kyo mga v0v0 kalabanin nyo kc pg sumali kyo sa mga mggling ma v0v0 cla sainyo.....
ReplyDeleteyayabang nyo kala nyo kung cno kyong mgagaling mag dota...hanggang post lng nmn kyo...
ReplyDeletehawhaw. . . .
ReplyDeletev0v0 nmn bat gnun build nmnm hahaha kakaloka lng mga build nyo...
ReplyDeletebat hangangh post lng kyo bat nd ntin i try kung hanggang saan makakrting mga build nyo nayan.....:))
ReplyDeletesa dota kc bawal mag laro ang mga v0v0...kc pag sumali kyo mav0v0 pti mga mas mggling sainyo more praktis guyzz before u try in battle fields.......
ReplyDeletebakit san ba mga player nangaaling nayan kala nmn nila kung snong mgagaling wer try???????
ReplyDeletehinahabol my leaf yan boy nd maaabutan kahit faceless void tumiTP na sa kapa again tang ina ka babalikan kita.....mmmmmonsterkillll godlike owning killlll....................
ReplyDeleteasa kayo sken
ReplyDeleteIkaw bobo tingnan mo 1 year na comment pinatulan mo pa tanga
ReplyDeletemaganda tradas dagger...
ReplyDeletemga tanga kayo lothar kasi bobo
ReplyDeletehndi sayang lng slot
thats the build
yeah you always need lothar
ReplyDeletedapat bkb,heart,bot,dagger,desso,manta
ReplyDeleteanu ba yan ? ..
ReplyDeletemarunong ka ba mag SF ?
diba lothars ?
ReplyDeleteMAs mAGanDA anG pHAse Boots, LOTHrS O kaya LINkEns,,,,aPos manTA KO NA yun pAra BuTtERFlY na LANg aTTacK kaAgad roSHAN......PRA KilleR nA Si NEVER MORE....
ReplyDeleteputa ang papangit nyu mag buo fuck u bitch
ReplyDeletemy items are travel, dagger, brk, armet, dagon lvl5, manta, butterfly. try and you will see hw it works......
ReplyDeletetravel, dagger, bkb, armlet, dagon, manta, butterfly, rather not brk
ReplyDeletebobo walang kaalam-alm bobo bobo bobo bobo bobo
ReplyDeletevanguard,braser,tarasque,divine yun tanga bobo bobo
ReplyDeletebaka ikaw
ReplyDeletebaka ikaw
ReplyDeleteoo ako
ReplyDeleteweh di nga
ReplyDelete6 na bote!!
build q lage..holy shit!!!
divine x6 ang lakas mo kaag lhat yan meron k promise inggit lhat hihingi pa
ReplyDeletebobo ka?
ReplyDeletewalng hiya ano yan meelee??????????????>>>>>>
ReplyDeletebattle fury alien ka?
ReplyDeletebattle fury tanga alien kaba?
ReplyDeletetang ina nyo bobo kayong lahat
bobo mu tanga!!!!
ReplyDelete1on1 nalang dota tanga mo!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletedinadagon ba si nevermore?
ReplyDeletewhere are you from lets play dota then we know wo is better man ! weak!
ReplyDeletekayo pala bobo eh! healing salve kailangan tanga!
ReplyDeletedpat tlga?
depende kung skiller type yung kalaban pag skiller kailangan angg bkb kapag wlang mas yadong skiller type wag kana mag bkb gawin mong etheral?
tiyak na makaka BEYOND GODLIKE KA!
Yayabang ng Mga skwater boys d2 kapok na nga sa pera purr dota par in
ReplyDeletepareha kayong mga tanga
ReplyDeletemas maganda kong guinso item niyan
garena tayo
ReplyDeletebobo ka
grabe kagaling
ReplyDeletemy pro items are Dagger not lothar because it has gem, and then BKB, BOT, Manta and last is Satanic, I have been kill 25-0 in LAN game.
ReplyDeleteTHERE are many options for inventories like::::
I recently tried it.
Its imba
away pa kau pareho nmn keo mga tanga e
ReplyDeleteYour so weak YahpetS youd don't know how to play dota?
ai naku ang daming ng react bobo naman kaunf lahat
ReplyDeleteay,mga tanga wag na kau mag dota kung yan ung build niu kay nevermore .. . . . mga bobo!!! tanga!!!
ReplyDeleteAmf marunong ba kayu mag SF ???? Tanga build nyu
ReplyDeletee2 build dyan :
*Lothars or Dagger(depende kung anu gus2 mo )
Its better to use lothars to make easier escape for enemies and cast his Ss
ReplyDeletesffffffff!!! nukker!?
ReplyDeleteNO, Maybe Dagger you know because your weak
ReplyDeleteHey what about Black king bar so that he can Use her ultimate skill easily or lothars edge
ReplyDeletepde bana bkb, butterfly at manta?
ReplyDeleteung mga bobong haters stop commenting :(
ReplyDeletemga idiot ba kau ?
ung blog na to recommendation lng for newbies . this help a lot :D
public school ba kau ng aral ? HAHAH :D
ok na sana e
ReplyDeleteposer ka pa ng name ahh :D
ReplyDeleteHey what about Black king bar so that he can Use her ultimate skill easily or lothars edge
ReplyDeleteCno makiki 1v1 sakin pasok sa globe room ng philliphines hanapin nyu yung name na Im_So_Handsome
ReplyDeletefuck you.... dumb yahpets
ReplyDeletemga bobo!!!!
ReplyDeleteitem build suggested legion commander mask of madness. boots of travel. heart of tarrassque. divine and battle fury
ReplyDeletegarena tau mga bobo,weak lng kc kau.
ReplyDeleteAng Papel ni Nevermore!
ReplyDelete1-1 poh tau kung cno? pwede nevermore lng poh ako please
ReplyDeletemga tanga mg dagon n agad kayo
ReplyDelete1st item, loth second ,bot ,third, bkb or manta depends on the enemies abilities , nxt is butterfly or EB you decide, nxt , is quiras then satanic or guinzoo helps never more alot better ~
ReplyDeleteaw first to agree ako sa u tol!!!!
ReplyDeleteweh yan tlga????
ReplyDeleteadd me on facebook as rk rellora
ReplyDelete1 v 1 cnu liked???
ReplyDeletetama base nio sa kalaban or teamates nio indi nio kailangan na sumunod sa mga threads na yan..,,..
ReplyDeletemy item is bkb, manta, bttfly, satanic the i go for sange and yasa for better attack speed and damage . . .at 1st lvl 1 . . .i just pratice focus on my moneyshot. .. . bcos moneyshot is my priority for a better items to buy. . .
ReplyDeletemga putang ina nio bobo kau magdota
ReplyDeletebobo!!! ang battle fury para sa melee
ReplyDeletetalo ka cguro ng easy!!!
Thaek khabbeh...
ReplyDeletemy item......1.hart......2.butterfly......3.dagger.....4.assault.....5.manta style.....6.power's a good item....
ReplyDeleteTama...!! hahah tgam..
ReplyDeleteGrabe !? Makapanglait ng mga estudyante ng Public school ? FYI , mas matatalino mga taga pampublikong paaralan kesa sa mga taga private . Mas magaling din kami mag dota ui ! WEAK ka
kala mu ang galing mu ah
ReplyDeletekuya ano ba yung mga bou kay never more
ReplyDeletetama yan dre..
ReplyDeleteweak nyo sakin
ReplyDeletei disagree with you ... i think dagger is more effective make sure to farm dagger in 7 mins or less .... to enhance your gank abilities ... >:))
ReplyDeletedi lang para sa melee yun .. .pede din sa range .. para sa regen at damage !! LOL !! :)))
ReplyDeletetinalo ko na c yaphets 1v1 sf
ReplyDeleteorb effect yun dapat sa isa sa satanic o skadi tangalin mo
ReplyDeleteOptional Buy Gauntlet of Strength , 2 ironwood Branch , Tango , Pots , Courier , Then finish bottle Then Bracer Then Wand Boots Dagger BKB GG
ReplyDelete@BOYANTHRAX You Can't Finish That If your enemy is kunkka , Pudge , Tiny Because they can disable u and Finish within 5- 10 minutes so i recommend to u that tower hug lang , cause it gonna take 3 deaths to get that items or not to finish it by clash
ReplyDeleteDi nmn po Nag oorbefect kasi tol Range Siya :)
ReplyDeleteYeah He sucks He play like a kid
ReplyDeleteIf you're fighting w/ HITTER TYPE i'll go with ETHEREAL w/c gives you Ghost form and you can set your SS
ReplyDeleteIf you're fighting w/ SKILLER TYPE i'll go with BKB and DAGGER coz' BKB is anti-skill this is good with the above mention STYGIAN DESOLATOR,ASSAULT CUIRASS and PRESCENCE of the DARK LORD _________________________________________________________
kreiqq --traeds dpat n strength pra makunak 2 na bracers.tas lotar :DD
ReplyDeleteputang ina nyo
ReplyDeleteMga bobo pala kayo ehhhh ang full item na dapat sa Nevermore ayy
Yan ang tama na items !!!!
Mga bobo pala kayo ehhhh ang full item na dapat sa Nevermore ayy
Yan ang tama na items !!!!
Mga bobo pala kayo ehhhh ang full item na dapat sa Nevermore ayy
Yan ang tama na items !!!!
Mga bobo pala kayo ehhhh ang full item na dapat sa Nevermore ayy
Yan ang tama na items !!!!
treads.....dager......BKB......manta......butterfly.....good game na yan
ReplyDeletewhahhah tama ka dyan dre
ReplyDeletepuro weak naman
ReplyDeleteno both are better lothers and dagger