Detail Changelog on 6.50 Dota-Allstars Map

Detail Changelog on 6.50 Dota-Allstars Map. Currently the detail changelog is still consist the Hero Changes. The rest will be added soon. Fiuh, so much changes from IceFrog :)
Hero Changes:
* Removed manacost on Mana Shield activation
* Changed Leap cooldown to scale with levels
20 all levels->40/35/30/20
* Improved Juggernaut's movement speed
* Implemented a better silencing mechanism in the Black Hole area to ensure spells don't go through regardless of cast animation time
* Lowered Drow's Agility gain per level
* Changed Drow Ranger's Marksmanship ultimate
old marksmanship->adds 10/20/30 agi/level (like Great Fortitude)
* Increased Morphling's base damage
* Macropyre cooldown no longer increases per level
* Added an extra bounce to Chain Frost
6 (7 with Aghanim's Scepter)->7 (8 with Aghanim's Scepter)
* Reduced Sprint's damage amplification
* Increased Maledict AOE by 15
* Changed Spectre's Dispersion
4/8/12/16% for 100% damage->100% chance for 5/10/15/20% damage
* Redesigned Visage
* Improved casting range on Acid Spray
* Changed how Song of the Siren levels up
200/275/360 mana->200 mana
* Reduced cooldown on high level Shapeshift
* Improved armor on Enigma's Eidolons
* Reduced Expulsion cooldown and manacost
15/15/15/15 sec 100/110/120/130 mana->10 sec 75 mana all levels
* Improved Keeper of the Light's attack animation
0.55 sec damage point->0.3 sec damage point
* Improved Scattershot's damage range from 10-35 to 20-35
* Improved Alchemist base Intelligence and growth
* Slightly improved Psi Blades' spill width and range
40/80/120 range->50/100/150/200 range
* Improved Chemical Rage
5/10/15 ms, lasts 20 seconds, 200/400/600 hp, 3/6/12 mana/sec regen->60 ms all levels, lasts 25 seconds, 350/70/1050 hp, 3/7.5/12 mana/sec regen
* Increased Phantom Lancer's Strength gain
* Increased cooldown on Psionic Trap from 7 to 14 seconds
* Improved lifesteal on level 2 and 3 Insatiable Hunger
40/50/60%, 60 second cd->40/60/80%, 60/45/30 sec cd
* Reduced Replicate's manacost and cooldown
120 sec cd, 125 mana->80 sec cd, 25 mana
* Improved Troll's base movement speed
* Decreased Rampage movement speed bonus and cooldown
7/9/11% MS bonus with 90/80/70 seconds cooldown ->5/7/9% MS bonus with 55 seconds cooldown
* Improved Spirit Bear's Demolish
33% increase vs buildings->60% increase vs buildings
* Increased Lightning Storm cooldown by 2 seconds
* Reduced cooldown on level 4 Metamorphosis from 135 to 110 seconds
* Reduced Lina's movement speed by 5
* Improved Sand Storm
200/250/300/350 AoE and 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2 invis delay time, 40 seconds cooldown->300/350/400/550 AoE and 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5 invis delay time, 40/35/30/25 AoE
* Reduced the slow on Epicenter
* Improved range on Drow's Trueshot Aura
* Improved cooldown progression on Insatiable Hunger
* Reduced Sven's base armor
* Improved Enigma's movement speed
* Modified initial projectile speed and effect on Paralyzing Casks
--->Faster initial cask speed
* Improved Enfeeble
Damage reduction: 20/40/60/80%->30/60/90/120%
* Improved Auto Fire's area of effect and duration
125 AoE, 5 sec->200 AoE, 8 sec
* Reduced Queen of Pain's Blink range at early levels
* Improved Earthshaker movement speed
* Zombies now give a bit less bounty
* Reduced Gravechill's cooldown a bit
25 sec->18 sec
* Increased Primal Roar cooldown a little bit
60 sec->70/65/60 sec
* Eclipse damage is based on Lucent Beam level and doesn't ministun
* Lucent Beam ministun duration increases per level (0.6 level 4 up from a constant 0.01)
0.01 sec->0.01/0.1/0.3/0.6
* Lowered Eclipse mana cost and gave it constant cooldown progression
250/350/450 mana, 140/120/100 sec->150/200/250 mana, 140 sec
* Increased Lucent Beam casting range and lowered manacost slightly
600 range, 95/110/125/140 mana->800 range, 90/100/110/120
* Improved cast range on Expulsion and Fire Storm
750 range->1000 range
* Improved Ravage a little (it became slightly less effective with the impale recodes)
1.2/1.5/1.8 sec stun->1.5/1.8/2.25 sec stun
* Reverse Polarity cooldown is now the same all levels
120/110/100 sec->120 sec
* Changes Queen of Pain's blink cooldown from 12/9/7/5 to 12/10/8/6
* Removed truesight from Spin Web
* Added some extra movement bonus on higher level Spin Web
20% increased movespeed->20/23/26/29% increased movespeed
* Improved Keeper of the Light's movement speed
* Improved Storm Spirit's base armor
* Lowered Mirror Image cooldown slightly
60 sec->50 sec
* Improved slow on Drunken Haze
10/12/15/17% slow, 50/50/50/75 mana->10/14/18/22% slow, 50 mana
* Improved movement bonus on Witchcraft
2/4/6/8% increase->3/6/9/12% increase
* Lowered Searing Arrows cooldown
4/3/0/0 sec->2/2/0/0 sec
* Improved Reaper's Scythe leveling a bit
200/340/500 mana, 150/120/70 cooldown->150/340/500 mana, 100/85/70 cooldown
* Changed Purification damage type to Pure
Spell/Normal (reduced by spell resistance + armor)->Hero/Magic (reduced by nothing)
* Lowered Axe's starting Agility and increased his starting Strength
19 str, 22 agi->25 str, 20 agi
* Lowered Death Coil cooldown
11 sec->7 sec
* Improved Undying's base armor
* Improved Meepo's base Strength
17 str->23 str
* Rebalanced Pit of Malice
24 cooldown, disable lasts 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 sec->24/21/18/15 cooldown, disable lasts 1.5/2/2.5/3 sec
* Increased AOE on Firestorm
300 AoE->400 AoE
* Reduced the search area for Omnislash
575 AoE->450 AoE
* Changed Bloodrage stats a bit
2/4/6/8 hp/s->20/15/10/5 hp/s
* Lowered level 1 Mana Void manacost
175/225/275 mana->125/200/275 mana
* Lowered Exorcism's damage return threshold and cooldown
120 cooldown, 1000 damage threshold->100 cooldown, 500 damage threshold
* Restored Bone Fletcher's old Wind Walk speed bonus
7/14/21/28% increase->10/20/30/40% increase
* Lowered Geminate Attack cooldown
7/6/5/3.5 sec->6/5/4/2.5
* Slightly improved how Medusa's Purge levels
12 cooldown->12/11/10 cooldown
Source: EastyMoryan of
Hero Changes:
* Removed manacost on Mana Shield activation
* Changed Leap cooldown to scale with levels
20 all levels->40/35/30/20
* Improved Juggernaut's movement speed
* Implemented a better silencing mechanism in the Black Hole area to ensure spells don't go through regardless of cast animation time
* Lowered Drow's Agility gain per level
* Changed Drow Ranger's Marksmanship ultimate
old marksmanship->adds 10/20/30 agi/level (like Great Fortitude)
* Increased Morphling's base damage
* Macropyre cooldown no longer increases per level
* Added an extra bounce to Chain Frost
6 (7 with Aghanim's Scepter)->7 (8 with Aghanim's Scepter)
* Reduced Sprint's damage amplification
* Increased Maledict AOE by 15
* Changed Spectre's Dispersion
4/8/12/16% for 100% damage->100% chance for 5/10/15/20% damage
* Redesigned Visage
* Improved casting range on Acid Spray
* Changed how Song of the Siren levels up
200/275/360 mana->200 mana
* Reduced cooldown on high level Shapeshift
* Improved armor on Enigma's Eidolons
* Reduced Expulsion cooldown and manacost
15/15/15/15 sec 100/110/120/130 mana->10 sec 75 mana all levels
* Improved Keeper of the Light's attack animation
0.55 sec damage point->0.3 sec damage point
* Improved Scattershot's damage range from 10-35 to 20-35
* Improved Alchemist base Intelligence and growth
* Slightly improved Psi Blades' spill width and range
40/80/120 range->50/100/150/200 range
* Improved Chemical Rage
5/10/15 ms, lasts 20 seconds, 200/400/600 hp, 3/6/12 mana/sec regen->60 ms all levels, lasts 25 seconds, 350/70/1050 hp, 3/7.5/12 mana/sec regen
* Increased Phantom Lancer's Strength gain
* Increased cooldown on Psionic Trap from 7 to 14 seconds
* Improved lifesteal on level 2 and 3 Insatiable Hunger
40/50/60%, 60 second cd->40/60/80%, 60/45/30 sec cd
* Reduced Replicate's manacost and cooldown
120 sec cd, 125 mana->80 sec cd, 25 mana
* Improved Troll's base movement speed
* Decreased Rampage movement speed bonus and cooldown
7/9/11% MS bonus with 90/80/70 seconds cooldown ->5/7/9% MS bonus with 55 seconds cooldown
* Improved Spirit Bear's Demolish
33% increase vs buildings->60% increase vs buildings
* Increased Lightning Storm cooldown by 2 seconds
* Reduced cooldown on level 4 Metamorphosis from 135 to 110 seconds
* Reduced Lina's movement speed by 5
* Improved Sand Storm
200/250/300/350 AoE and 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2 invis delay time, 40 seconds cooldown->300/350/400/550 AoE and 0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5 invis delay time, 40/35/30/25 AoE
* Reduced the slow on Epicenter
* Improved range on Drow's Trueshot Aura
* Improved cooldown progression on Insatiable Hunger
* Reduced Sven's base armor
* Improved Enigma's movement speed
* Modified initial projectile speed and effect on Paralyzing Casks
--->Faster initial cask speed
* Improved Enfeeble
Damage reduction: 20/40/60/80%->30/60/90/120%
* Improved Auto Fire's area of effect and duration
125 AoE, 5 sec->200 AoE, 8 sec
* Reduced Queen of Pain's Blink range at early levels
* Improved Earthshaker movement speed
* Zombies now give a bit less bounty
* Reduced Gravechill's cooldown a bit
25 sec->18 sec
* Increased Primal Roar cooldown a little bit
60 sec->70/65/60 sec
* Eclipse damage is based on Lucent Beam level and doesn't ministun
* Lucent Beam ministun duration increases per level (0.6 level 4 up from a constant 0.01)
0.01 sec->0.01/0.1/0.3/0.6
* Lowered Eclipse mana cost and gave it constant cooldown progression
250/350/450 mana, 140/120/100 sec->150/200/250 mana, 140 sec
* Increased Lucent Beam casting range and lowered manacost slightly
600 range, 95/110/125/140 mana->800 range, 90/100/110/120
* Improved cast range on Expulsion and Fire Storm
750 range->1000 range
* Improved Ravage a little (it became slightly less effective with the impale recodes)
1.2/1.5/1.8 sec stun->1.5/1.8/2.25 sec stun
* Reverse Polarity cooldown is now the same all levels
120/110/100 sec->120 sec
* Changes Queen of Pain's blink cooldown from 12/9/7/5 to 12/10/8/6
* Removed truesight from Spin Web
* Added some extra movement bonus on higher level Spin Web
20% increased movespeed->20/23/26/29% increased movespeed
* Improved Keeper of the Light's movement speed
* Improved Storm Spirit's base armor
* Lowered Mirror Image cooldown slightly
60 sec->50 sec
* Improved slow on Drunken Haze
10/12/15/17% slow, 50/50/50/75 mana->10/14/18/22% slow, 50 mana
* Improved movement bonus on Witchcraft
2/4/6/8% increase->3/6/9/12% increase
* Lowered Searing Arrows cooldown
4/3/0/0 sec->2/2/0/0 sec
* Improved Reaper's Scythe leveling a bit
200/340/500 mana, 150/120/70 cooldown->150/340/500 mana, 100/85/70 cooldown
* Changed Purification damage type to Pure
Spell/Normal (reduced by spell resistance + armor)->Hero/Magic (reduced by nothing)
* Lowered Axe's starting Agility and increased his starting Strength
19 str, 22 agi->25 str, 20 agi
* Lowered Death Coil cooldown
11 sec->7 sec
* Improved Undying's base armor
* Improved Meepo's base Strength
17 str->23 str
* Rebalanced Pit of Malice
24 cooldown, disable lasts 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 sec->24/21/18/15 cooldown, disable lasts 1.5/2/2.5/3 sec
* Increased AOE on Firestorm
300 AoE->400 AoE
* Reduced the search area for Omnislash
575 AoE->450 AoE
* Changed Bloodrage stats a bit
2/4/6/8 hp/s->20/15/10/5 hp/s
* Lowered level 1 Mana Void manacost
175/225/275 mana->125/200/275 mana
* Lowered Exorcism's damage return threshold and cooldown
120 cooldown, 1000 damage threshold->100 cooldown, 500 damage threshold
* Restored Bone Fletcher's old Wind Walk speed bonus
7/14/21/28% increase->10/20/30/40% increase
* Lowered Geminate Attack cooldown
7/6/5/3.5 sec->6/5/4/2.5
* Slightly improved how Medusa's Purge levels
12 cooldown->12/11/10 cooldown
Source: EastyMoryan of
oo. drow is gonna be tastier food now. lol. major nerf there.