Dota 6.72f AI 1.1 "NIGHTMARE" - Official Dota v6.72f AI Plus Map

DotA v6.72f AI 1.1 Download
DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 via GameWebZ
DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 via FileSonic
DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 Main Changelogs
Fixed bugs on heroes skills
Fixed heroes AI : Silencer (Curse of Silence), Lich (Frost Armor), Venomancer (Ward), Chen (Holy Persuation), Soul Keeper (was using Reflection on allies), Naga Siren (Song of the Siren bug fixed, condition reworked), Tauren (Earthsplitter improved), Shadow Demon (Shadow Poison?)
Source: PBMN Blog
Enjoy the new map guys! And hopefully less bugs occurs :)
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first blood !!!
ReplyDeleteYay First !!!.
ReplyDeleteThanks Gonna Download It Now.
ReplyDelete..thanks anyway,,
*ayo cah kontrakan gek do Dota map'e anyar wis metu..*
1st blood
ReplyDeletefirst blood hahhahaa
ReplyDeleteCan you fix the Crow's Transfer Items?
ReplyDeleteExample: when im in the top rune location and then transfer my items, the crow will go to the top lane and fall back to transfer it to you. it's like wasting time. :( pls fix it. thank you ! sorry for my bad english. :D
Did you fixed the problems when you buy a item in your base the item
ReplyDeleteyou bought spawns in the base
ReplyDeleteYo !!
ReplyDeleteTHIS IS MINE NOW!!!
ReplyDeletedid you fix spectre's bug when he cast haunt?
ReplyDeletelol last time when i play, item duplicate is imba enough, just play again b4 i saw this, it duplicate and directly put in my item slot when i am away in the river every 1 to 2 minute ... holyshit in 20 minutes =="
ReplyDeleteDid anyone realize when you play in this map or the previous version,
ReplyDeletewhen you play captain mode (-cm) as the round of ban and picking begin(neither the sentinel nor the scourge pick and ban yet), Terrorblade is not in his tavern, and he is the only hero disappear when you play this mode. T_T Terrorblade need revenge!!!!.... haizz..
wow! thanks a lot!!!!
ReplyDeletealief, your link says v 1.0 it can be misleading ;)
ReplyDeleteCAUSE Terror Blade is banned in CM mode in both the normal dota map and the AIs map
ReplyDeletehey, a problem with the naming of the link on this page. should be 1.1 :)
ReplyDeletewatsup guys this is the second time this has happened my ai team sometimes get stuck wherever they are happened with spectre in the middle lane and pugna in right hand lane both around level 10-12 they just stand still for about 5-10min and when they move they go back and forth a few inches sometimes all i can do is lead the enemy ai to them and let them get woken up by either fight or jungling fight anyways nice work and keep it up
ReplyDeletealso on version 1.0 my replays worked perfect now 1.1my replays are doing things i never did im using a mac snow leopard if dat helps
ReplyDeletewhen I play the game no allied heroes appear even though I selected Computer: Insane on both my and the Scourge's side?
ReplyDelete1s in 1 game rubick (ai) pikz a double damage rune... d enemy creeps followd him at dt tym nd in d river dey attackd him.. nd rubick stood dr.. witout atackin... lyk whn we press stop to cancel atack animation... allotta tym... nd creeps kept atacking him... it wz lyk he wz w8n for last hits whn dey play in lane... nd he died lyk dt. Cn u plzzzz ... fixd dt kinda bug?
ReplyDeletetnx for the new map
ReplyDeletedude..learn to spell correctly
ReplyDeletecan u check the batrider ulti when ai using? it can keep ulti @@ thx
ReplyDeletehow to download
ReplyDeleteUse Shift+ enter then space and enter again to get the ai coomands
ReplyDeletei just play this map.. i think it got bug... when i purchase item ex: yasha in the base suddenly it multiple where i can see there is over 9 yasha in my base...
ReplyDeleteI am gettin this error message. this happened to me three times, with Terrorblade -ap mode, Drow Ranger -cm, Skeleton king -cm. it just starts randomly at mid game. i dont know what cause it yet. please help
ReplyDeleteDude... Cn u exactly pin point me wch spellin is rong hea. ?
ReplyDeleteIn case u didn't get it. Doz r short for
S ussually used in net surfin so as to save tym nd space. So do me a favour nd stfu. Aiite. Dnt bullshit me on ma spellingz. Get a lyf dude. Heights of joblessness
how download!!
ReplyDeleteaxe bug? berserker call made creeep run away
ReplyDeletesame for me here too.. i purchase mithril hammer.. suddenly i got 9 in my base.. -_-"
ReplyDeletei think there's a bug in this map.....
ReplyDeleteHas anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?..internet idiot..
ReplyDeleteyour english is still better than others
ReplyDeletethis also happened when i had alchemist in the sentinel neutral camp in the middle at right the first one not the one where there are weak neutrals.
ReplyDeletei used my second skill and there was no hero around me and i got the screen full of messages in red
oh and the game sometimes crashes when you use alchemist
There's something wrong with Invoker AI. I can't really explain well so I suggest that you play with him.5 on 5 with Invoker on mid. When he reached level 5, he just stays in the second tower until the first tower is pushed.
ReplyDeleteSeriously ... nab.. get a lyf. U yaself don knw wt ya writin ... jzt a bunch of gibberish. Bc
ReplyDeleteWew, extreme mode was really insane, nice work
ReplyDeleteDumbass can't spell right. Even if it's just "to save tym nd space". You're just missing a few letters and you don't even bother finishing the word. Retard.
ReplyDeleteYour English Sucks Just STFU and GTFO
ReplyDeleteincase u dunnoe what it means i meand Shut the Fuck Up and Go To Fuck Off
not just tb..rubick and few heroes
ReplyDeleteDude... I ain't got tym.. ain't jobless lyk u . U got probs wit me missin out a few words. Well... as to say so... I got lots to do so even doz few seconds matter aitte. So be a nice boy nd gtfo. Peace
ReplyDeleteRofl. Here cmes a korean kid givin in his little bullshit opinions.
ReplyDeleteHey kid. Dnt explain me abbreviations dt I knew since grade 1 aitte.
"Incase u dunno its meaning it seems" lol. Hw corny. Noodle shit. F off.
6.72F AI????
ReplyDeleteSO MANY BUG
Korean? u must be joking. u go find any people that can read your dumb post at the start then i will keep quiet. and incase u don't know Dota-blog is not the ai makers and just a 'informer' that help to spread message to morons like u who doesn't know where to report the bug correctly
ReplyDeleterofl. from ma english being bad... it has nw gone down to me being a moron. lola. . i knw dis is jzt for spreadin awarness... so dts wt i did. asshole. yall singapore people.. eva heard ur english? u suck man... so damn deep. d way u pronounce.. hahaha!!! chk ur english 1st b4 tellin sme1 aiite. jzt a word of advice kiddo
ReplyDeleteWell you need to spell your English correctly before even shooting other people and wow from Korean to Singapore any other countries? i still waiting for you to use a real account instead of just barking here. No point talking to a moron using open ID get a real account before i will even reply to you or if you can't do it cause you are too dumb then tell me maybe i can teach you
ReplyDeleteHope that u could upload the reply and sent it to the owner of . Thanks as only him will know how to fix it
ReplyDeleteSeriously dude. I appreciate ur immense dota knowledge dt u got. Bt plz stop bullshitin bout english. M tired ... got sme other thingz to do instead cmin hea nd arguin wit a thick headed know it ol kid. So peace nd gtfo ma sight aiite. Nd incase ur so curious bout ma identity. Search me up on facebook under d same name as hea coz I kinda got no tym to open account or wateva u so proudly say so aiite. Nw peace
ReplyDeleteWhy would you bother yourself to comment on this blog if you don't even like it, are you a moron?
ReplyDeleteThank you for your report, at least you were not using any bad words like the other sarcastic person here
ReplyDeleteitem bug.. it multiplies itself on circle after you bought an item sometimes.. so its like when i got manta it multiplies in 9 then i sell it to get imba items.. cn u fix it? and the crow when its returning to you it will go to top lane before returning to you.. ok thnx!
ReplyDeletecourier item bug.. it multiplies itself on circle after you bought an item sometimes.. so its like when i got manta it multiplies in 9 then i sell it to get imba items.. cn u fix it? and the crow when its returning to you it will go to top lane before returning to you.. ok thnx!
ReplyDeletebug fixed here.. enjoy..
S hw'd u knw? I guess ur god gifted in tracking morons. Gud gud
ReplyDeleteUr mom must've been a moron I guess. Newayz I wouldn't bothrr to reply hea. Bt d fact dt u asshole act big is wt ticks me off. Nd so I wanna shut dt mouth off urs aiite. Stop ol doz big talks of ur. Asshole.
Please do not try to share a hacking website here. ANd FYI its the exact same map -.-
ReplyDeleteYeah, already fixed it. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteSs. Curse doz sarcastic people! X[ nd d 1s kolz em dt too! >_<
ReplyDeletetroll got some skill bugs.. i cant use the fervor skill during melee mode when you start to learn the attribute bonus... and he got an extra skill, whirling axes(ranged)
ReplyDeleteyep... i hav d same prob
ReplyDeleteSo much bug...!!!!!!! some heroes are so light(easily be killed specially when your life is in red)... eve if the enemy's skill is not that strong.... and WTF!!!! axe BERZERKS Skill is a F****** BUG!!! instead drawing the enemies towards you, and to a attack... What the H*** IT PUSHES THEM AWAY!!! AND THEY ARE LIKE CRAZY S*** THAT IGNORES YOU!!!! Harbringers ASTRAL IMPRISONMENT Suckz! it doesn't make any sense on your INT TYPE ENEMy HEROES!!!! it doesn't STEAL THEiR INT, it doesn't STEAL THEiR MANA!!! It only cost your own!!!!! There are also times, that when your purchase items by using your CIRCLE OF POWER (especially when your far far away & your crow is busy guarding POWER UPS) THERE IS a CHANCE that you would purchase 6 IDENTICAL ITEMS BY JUST 1 CLICK. So for example, if you purchase a ULTIMATE ORB chances are you would get 6 of it instead of 1. And that's not all, the COST is just the same as you are purchasing 1 ITEM!! ===== 6 ULTIMA8 ORBZ for 2100!!!!
ReplyDeleteDotA Light, your main source for DotA Allstars
i've got this bug sometime teammate ai stayed in the jungle and not moving few minutes and get left behind in lvl and gold..
ReplyDeleteanyone else got this bug too ?
default381 {"method":"validate","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
Hello there, Tino_awomi. As you may know, you have recieved countless of hate messages due to your misconduct here in dota-blog. I just wanted to tell you that we are trying to help you here, not to lecture you that even a 5 year old should know. I'm afraid that your silly grammar and your negative attitude towards others, is the main cause of the hate towards you. If you don't like it, then please, keep it to yourself. Others want to avoid meaningless arguments as much as you do. So do everyone a favor and zip your mouth.
ReplyDeletethe -er mode still no effect
ReplyDeletei experienced this i type -oui and ask them move, quite annoying....
ReplyDeletei think we need anthr map---6.72f ai 1.2 ..... ^.^
ReplyDeletezzz.. do you know that all IMBA heroes cannot be pick in CM mode? Rubick, TB, all that are whether a new hero or a hero with new set of skill cannot be pick during the cm mode, it's just not fair. They are unbalanced. -o-
ReplyDeletewhen I play as Scourge, after roshan killed, I type "-oroshan", but the massage say "AI[The Sentinel]: Negative (Roshan ............)"
ReplyDeletewhen I play as Sentinel, after roshan killed, I type "-oroshan", but the
massage say "AI[The Scourge]: Negative (Roshan ............)"]
Please Fix it
i think -oroshan means that the opponent goes roshan... let's separate the words/letters... "o" and "roshan". I guess o means opponent.. hehe.. If you want your allies to go roshan, use the enter space enter command...
ReplyDeleteYou are plain stupid
ReplyDeletepotek na yan tagal nmn ilabas ang map na 6.73 eh nag hihintay ako eh walang
ReplyDeleteplease visit my blog thnx
ReplyDeletedarn it tinoto. checkur spellings first before commenting on others
ReplyDeletePlease check Axe's Berserk Call, i think. When used in AI enemies, they can run. But, when cast on your character, it works. :D
ReplyDeletehow to dl tis map?
ReplyDeletelol there is bug: my inventory has perseverance and broadsword. now i was at the moment of going back to my base and buyinga claymore and when i buy a it, suddenly in an instant ive made a battlefury without getting near at the base or the store. And now look the "circle of power" has tons of CLAYMORES!!!! WTH!!
ReplyDeleteI think "o" in ''-oroshan" means order. it means that we order allies to fight roshan
ReplyDeletehow to download 6.72f AI maps?
ReplyDeleteYour axe is Forever alone
ReplyDeletemy radiance recipe multiplied a GAZILLION TIMES in the circle power, it even filled my own inventory with radiance recipe LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
ReplyDeleteYou seriously need professional help...
ReplyDeletehow to dl??
ReplyDeletei cant find the dl button
Morphling's game crashed after a few dead !
ReplyDeleteThe hero won't respawn and all skill that have a active animation ( mirana arrow , windrunner arrow ) stuck TOO !
Raijin 's game crash after a few use of ball lighting , the game become freaking lag and raijin is PERMANENTLY invulnerable ,
ReplyDeletethen the game freeze after a few secs .
hello mg friends
ReplyDeletei dont know how to download the ai map
ReplyDeleteLOL, the version you ply should be 1.0. 1.1 have fix it.
ReplyDeletedude dont stealz
ReplyDeletestill have critical error message..
ReplyDeleteHow do i Download this map ?? please help :"(
ReplyDeleteFound a bug. Spirit bear summoned by syllabear wont attack as I use Rabid. Like a dumb, its only facing the enemy heroes that attacked him. when i click on it, i see that spirit bear little (or very) confuse, about which action it should take. The 'Stop' and 'Attack' button lookslike pressed together repeatedly. --a
ReplyDeletehow to donwload the map??
ReplyDeleteI'm getting Critical Error messages randomly.
ReplyDeleteis the best ai
ReplyDeleteHello, 'm trying to Download DotA 6.72f A1 1.1 but it is not working.
ReplyDeleteKindly Help me ...!!!
how to download?
ReplyDeleteaxe berserkers call turn into berserkers gtfo..... xD
ReplyDeletecan you fix the multiple items from circle of power bug?
ReplyDeleteplease, it's like a cheat but cool
Can u like try the new release firsT?
ReplyDeletewhere to click for download?
ReplyDeleteare you a retard or something?
ReplyDelete6.72 AI 1.0 is the best bugs maps
ReplyDeleteyeah that's nice map and the AI is so very very strong ahhahah
ReplyDeleteall of yur amazing....i hop u make most amazing version..
ReplyDeletethank po sa inyu
ReplyDeletehow to command ai?
ReplyDeletei love dota !
ReplyDeleteastig ng mga itsura
ReplyDeleteimba promise walng quenta net d2
ReplyDeletePano Mag Download Ng Dota Turuan Nyo nmn aq .. !! :)
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