Heroes of Newerth - Playing Dota with Different Engine

We've already know that several games are being developed based on Dota-Allstars. DemiGod and League of Legends are some names that already familiar in this term. While both of them is totally a new game that inspired from Dota, playing Heroes of Newerth is just like playing Dota but with a lot of better graphics. Just see the above picture (click to enlarge) and watch below video, you will know what i mean.
Isn't that Krobelus who in the movie guys? And based on the mini-map, the map layout is also the same. At first, i think IceFrog is gonna rage because of it, but no. Below is his statement on PlayDota regarding this matters
They contacted me a few years ago to ask if I had any objections to them doing a game heavily based on DotA, which I didn't. I don't really mind all these new games (6 total now I think), competition is a good thing in the long run. I will still work hard to develop and improve DotA on WC3 for everyone that is still interested in it.
Well, at least they got IceFrog permission to do that. But i think this game will have a real trouble if IceFrog stop developing the WC3 version of Dota. Unless they can come out with something original, they won't survive in the long run. Balanced the game and kept the gameplay fun while adding new content is not an easy task. And IceFrog is done it well so far on the current Dota map. Despite all of that, the graphics on the Heroes of Newerth is really tempted me @_@ What about you guys?
Credits: Ultra_Jacker
first to comment^^
ReplyDeleteNevermind i forver with icefrog DOTA, hes dota CoOL!!!
ReplyDeleteThat game looks pretty.
ReplyDeletei've already tried demigod and that sucked.
ReplyDeleteand league of legends looks gay
Heroes of Newerth is basically DotA... but prettier... but nothing like DotA... DotA has a following, it is almost like a cult now... it's like Counterstrike that game will never go away.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG...... nice graphic n look like a great game.... anyone know where to get this game???
ReplyDeleteI've seen this already.
ReplyDelete10 for graphics
But I will still go with Dota since it is more supported, has a lot of history, more fun(for me at least), I dunno anymore hahahhaa
I still dunno if the promised Dota-Starcraft2 will work out. I bet ice will support it. I dunno about space dota, but why not :)
ReplyDeletewhere's d download link?
Do I see 9 item slots there? That could make an imba hero :D
ReplyDeleteI would never pay for any version of a game based on DotA unless Ice is involved and/or getting something outta it. Hes the one who took a horribly coded, unoriginal, and HORRIBLY imbalanced game and made it what it is now. Sure the original map wasnt his but dota wasnt original to begin with and no one did anything with it until him.
ReplyDeleteid still prefer Dota XD
ReplyDeleteIt's really frustrating. I want to play this but I want the original characters and not lookalikes of DotA. The best thing that could ever happen is for Blizzard to come up with WC4 with graphics as good or better than SC2 then Froggy making DotA there.
ReplyDeleteSC2 is gonna have more then enough graphics power. Blizzard has already stated that the new World Editor coming with SC2 will be improved and will still have all the capabilites it has now. Just because SC2 doesnt use Heros for its gameplay does not mean that funtionality is being stripped from the World Editor, it is very much still there and Im sure will have large improvements. Theyve also said that the new editor will be more C/C++ like and wont be using Jass, that should also help a LOT. So there will definitly be a AoS/DotA type game on SC2, if its any good is another story.
ReplyDeleteWhich makes these clones all the more stupid. The games are nothing but cash grabs.
ReplyDeletei just want to try the game.
ReplyDeletecan anyone give me the link to download the game.
i like game very much, so iwant to try any kind of games.
this game still in beta... not official release yet...
ReplyDeleteso its cannot be download yet.
to play it you need beta. the free giveaway beta key already end... another way to get the key, u must add HoN facebook if u want to get the key... (got it from some webpages, i didn't try it coz lazy to open FaceBook n playing DotA)
I hate krobelus' voice in that video, it's annoying.
ReplyDeletefor more pic see..
source: Leakerz.com
these are some sound when u killing..... got it somewhere dunno where the source...
like a previous poster compared dota (wc3) with counterstrike (1.6), i say all these new dota based games are like counterstrike source, and they will probably gain some followship quickly but in the end like with counterstrike source, all its players will return to the original game 1.6, and in this case dota for wc3. =)
ReplyDeleteLook it might look a bit better (not even much in my point of view), but it will take a long long time to play better than DotA. So even from a fun and competition point of view it's not that interesting. Most importantly I'm supporting IceFrog's path, not of the clones that he has nothing to do with.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather play http://byspartanlaw.mybrute.com/ then Heroes of Newerth, it's fun and you don't have worry about balance!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteanyone have keys for beta-test? give me one plz
plz give me beta key!
i have the game client, but i cant register, only if some one can crack or give beta key...
ReplyDeleteHow do u get the game client??? Where do u get it????
ReplyDeletei want this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fast!!!
ReplyDeletepliz let me know if the game has available n official release^^
ReplyDeleteif you dont mind pliz emailed me at sylvazard@ymail.com
^^ thanks for your patronage
nAH imo dota rulz and never die this game no offense its a jOkE soX hardcore DOTA FTW !!!
ReplyDeleteWho wants a Heroes of Newerth beta key?
ReplyDeleteI do!
ReplyDeleteIt's basically Dota but with updated graphics. Everything is the same as dota. You can even creep pull at the same time as the original game on top/bot lanes. It's that specific. Same items and mostly same heroes with a couple new ones. It's Dota.
with updated graphics. Never realized how much fun it could be playing dota but not on a 10 year old engine. Also it tracks everyone's stats. Win/loss, disconnects ratios, K/D/A ratios, deny etc EVERYTHING. you can check everyone's stats and kick them from game if you dont want the idiot on your team etc.
After playing HoN Beta for a few weeks i can't imagine going back to dota.
For those who are interested, http://heroesofnewerth.blogspot.com is GIVING AWAY beta keys
ReplyDeletelimited keys only
pleas invat
If anyone still has an invite/key it would be MUCH appreciated.
ReplyDeleteE-mail : fourftnthg@hotmail.com
Original DotA graphigs are not worse than HoNs, they are better. atleast i nmy opinion. Im started to love warcraft III graphigs, its so funny and cartoonlike.
ReplyDeleteWell, maybe if all goes well with Heroes of Newerth, we could see IceFrog joining their ranks and possibly helping them with their game if it becomes popular enough. It would be interesting, and could give him some good money. Otherwise, it's a fun Dota game.
ReplyDeletecan i get plz key for HoN all my friends play exept me plssss..... email me : trejser93@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteIf your friends have it they can invite you, they all get 3 invites. Then once used they get a few more.
ReplyDeleteHeroes of Newerth is DotA remade, has far batter graphics, amazingly batter gameplay (superior action, teamplay and abviously the engine gives more than the original wc3 engine gives). It has implants, such as voice and chat servers in game that you can use. it has the banlist, the improved friends list, and thay are not just lists, it has a interface that interacts with you based upon settings and the logics (friends/ban list interacts with player), voicechat is pretty cool, there are meny things that i need to say but i`ll be short, the best thing by far is the RECONNECT, so if you DC you can jump right back in! AND i experience no DELAY ATM, prolly the servers are not populated, but in WC3 even in low populated time i get dizzy of DC`s!
ReplyDeletei love playing dota, but i got into beta on HoN and its so much better that its crazy. i would buy this and never go back to WC3
ReplyDeleteWhat anonomous said 1 comment ago... this is actually a very awsome game and you guys should actaully first play it before you guys say anything bad, I'm not saying its perfect, but just try it. (It takes a while to get used to) [the graphics and item names] but all and all it is a much better game... I'm not saying I'd leave Dota (right away), but this really is much better. {O and much better than demigod (That game really sucked)}
ReplyDeleteWell, i'll mostly likely get this game. But as slaughter said, it's too bad the heroes wont be original. However, i doubt it will take long before someone manages to make the originals into custom skins. THAT would be awesome
ReplyDeleteYeah, been playing since Facebook did their Beta last week. On a lot of your posts you've said "but it will take a long long time to play better than DotA" and things of that ilk. Now I've only been playing DotA since 6.3x but I've played it religiously since then and I've gotta say, if HoN doesn't play better, then it at least plays exactly the same. There's a couple new heroes, and there's more on the way (it IS still a beta after all). I suggest that if you like DotA then get an HoN key.
If someone has a spare key, please send to lospiratos@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteWould be much appreciated
i would also like a beta key. Please send to sonofmoris@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI have a beta key, its pretty darn cool, I have played dota, this is makes dota look like a nintendo game compared to an xbox game
ReplyDeleteI think HoN will be awesome... Who wouldn't want a better version of Dota? Currently it's in closed beta and people are just sick of the dota limitations due to it being in WC3 client. I'm curious about League of Legends as well since they have some good ideas they're going to use to prevent leavers and each character will have 4 moves and 1 passive (compared to dota's passive stack on random characters).
ReplyDeleteJust because there are more games coming out doesn't mean I'll just drop dota. League of legends doesn't have the hero count yet as same with HoN. Dota will be the classic of these games.
Awesome. I've been telling my friends for ages that if they just came out with a dota with better graphics people would buy it. looks like that times finally here. this game looks awesome, if it plays like dota as the above poster says than its gonna be a badass game.
ReplyDeleteif anyone has a spare key, t0xb0x47@gmail.com i will love you FOREVER
Looks really good and would like to try it out. If anyone has a spare key macwil727@yahoo.com, would really be happy.
ReplyDeleteBeen playing HoN and like many have said, it's just a prettier version of Dota and lacks all the playability.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I will ever buy this game or even download it when it releases. I already gave it a chance. This game does not match playability of Dota IMO.
HoN Strategy fansite.
ReplyDeleteNice one...if somebody has a beta key...I will thank you. cumfrate@gmail.com .
ReplyDeleteI'd like a beta key if anyone has one. If you've got an extra and want to help someone out, please send me one :P slants7192@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI'm an avid DoTA player, I really would love to get a key for HoN to test out the balances, etc.
ReplyDeleteI'd greatly appreciate if you could send a key to humfrey_b_bear@hotmail.com
Thanks heaps :D
i play dota whenever i can i thing that these dota like games don't matter much, if everyone wanted a graphics upgrade, dota could be be made on SC2 editor when the game comes out, there better graphics, but it not graphics we look for its gameplay (or at least it is for me)
ReplyDeletei would like a key thought to test it like Sam said
ReplyDeleteI'm a beta tester for HoN. It looks gorgeous, incredibly good connection as HoN servers are used for games, if you get DCed in a game, you have more or less 5 minutes grace period to reconnect to that last game. You can use a mic to talk with your teammates.
ReplyDeleteIt's difficult to last hit because of the animations, fog of war is crap (it really needs reworking), its hard to tell if there's an uphill or downhill sometimes, in-game speed is faster than dota, heroes and creeps move fast, really fast. HoN is pretty dark, I hope they do something about this, and no, im not talking about the brightness in options. I hope they improve the animations because creeps and some heroes run funny, and some of the attack animations suck which makes last hitting difficult.
Items in HoN are pretty much the same in dota with different names, it helps because there's only one shop in the base and it can get pretty confusing if they started with new items. Same goes for the heroes, there where other heroes though that had different skills, like the scout which is a combination of gondar and sniper, and a few select new heroes not seen in dota.
Its still in beta, S2games are welcoming comments and suggestions, hope this gives you a fair idea about the gameplay in HoN :)
become a fan in their facebook page, inbox>updates tab if they decide to distribute beta keys
Its an exact clone of the current dota map, it plays exactly the same, but with smoother looks and animations. Most heroes are 1 to 1 copy of their DotA counterparts. Every little aspect of DotA is present, plus much more. The game hosting interface is nothing short of amazing, if you actually dc, you have 3 minutes timer to reconnect into the game. It keeps track of your leaves so everyone can see leavers when they join, and other such cool features. All heroes skills are accessed with the same 4 hotkeys so you never have to get used to to a weird spread of buttons. Every tree that helps you LoS evade spells from the dota map is there in the main map. Currently they are adding a few more maps for 3v3 and etc, but I havent tried them. Been playing since last night, and I can safely say this is the most fun DotA-like experience I've had, and i play DotA a lot. For about 10 games noone left a game. The skill and combat animations look badass too :). Each character is easily discernable from the others, and you'll have learned what the new names of the Items are by the second game you play. The shop Interface is vastly improved you can access any item with the use of hotkeys (kinda like you build structures with the keyboard in WC3) and you can buy all the ingredients for a recipe from the recipe itself if you are near a shop, so you dont have to look around if you're not sure about an ingredient. all in all the game is really well polished, i experienced zero issues for 7-8 hours of play. I will definitely be buying. Not only that but my mates will also be buying.
ReplyDeleteI want to try this game! Since I played dota for almost 4 years, time to try something new! But I don't have a beta key..I'm late for those beta key give away contests and other giveaways...T.T it would be nice if someone can send me a beta key to leonzcx@hotmail.com...I would appreciate that really much.
ReplyDeletecan u gimme a key please.
if you want beta keys, become a fan of heroes of newerth on facebook. they will send you an update there. :D GL
ReplyDeleteanyone who has a beta key e-mail me
ReplyDeleteon Stalker4ever@windowslive.com
e mail me if u have a beta key please i have a friend that got a beta key and he says the game is realy fun but i still cant find anyone that has a beta key so if anyone out there has a beta key please send me one thanks u are much greatfull zapst3r@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteThe difference between dota and HON is pretty much the same as it is for CS 1.6 and CS-source... better graphics, but the older version is still better somehow, must be the nostalgic touch...
ReplyDeleteThe menu and the way to connect to games easily and the leaving penalty is what dota allways have been missing though.
HON is much better! The framework, graphics and options give you more in every way. HON actually tracks stats so that all those leaving ass noobs can be spotted right away! Your records tells everything about you, and in HON is where you will find the best competition from all over the world. It's a shame IceFrog didn't take it into their own hands to make a polished product, but hey, gamers go where it is good and HON is good baby. This game is gonna blow up, as long as the developers keep new content and balancing a priority. Find a Beta Key from someone and try it as soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteanyone can spare me a beta key? please email me pmn247@hotmail.com
Hon is future of DotA!
ReplyDeleteIt is much better then DotA!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThere a really good site all about heroes of newerth called http://www.HoN-Strategy.com
ReplyDeleteOh cmon wtf 90% in HoN are total copy of DotA??? Don't they understand how eul, guinsoo, and now icefrog works hard for making DotA and now they simply copy paste it in a new so-called more awesome graphics?
ReplyDeleteWhat makes a game is not just a graphics and gameplay... What makes the game lovable is it's ORIGINALITY (at least for me) and HoN lacks of it.
1/10 from me. We all love IceFrog. Appreciate him. He's the most awesome freakin' dude when it comes to making games. Oh sorry, I mean making maps.
ReplyDeletebeta key pls
BETA keys at http://www.hon-strategy.com
ReplyDeletegot my keys at http://heroesofnewerth.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteGuys oh guys, PLEASE, first give that beta version a go, and then comment! This game is not just a DotA with shiny graphics (and well optimized ones, too), it's DotA the way people want to see it! Just imagine: a well-thought ladder system, no laggers, no leavers, team balance, in-game voice chat, etc etc etc. And, if you played their multiplayer games, you should know that despite not very popular, the guys from S2 have a great amount of creativity, and that's why I presume they are getting DotA as just a starting point rather than a ready game.
ReplyDeleteWould anyone be so kind to send me a key plz.. mail is illava@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot!
any kind souls would give me the beta key please :)
ReplyDeletemy mail is firingmeteors@gmail.com
anyone have an invitation/key ?
ReplyDeleteplease send me on razvy_nebunie@yahoo.com
Thanks verry much
pls anyone send me an HoN key. i would really appreciate it tna
i know where to find beta keys...email me at happymeal_kiddiemeal@yahoo.com,quick! there's only 1039 left as of now
ReplyDeletethere is site that gives free keys, but limited to about a thousand last time i registered..
ReplyDeleteHoN is really great in graphics, it also has great features like no leaver system,, the only disadvantage it has and a major one is it is really based on dota, the map,heroes,items.. ever heard of the quote "nothing beats the original"?
also, the item stores are quite confusing at the start but you'l get used to it..
it's like i tried to play it, and i like it, but still there's a certain kind of feel that makes me wanna go back to dota w/c is really weird, maybe thats the psycholigical effect of heavily basing it from dota i guess
someone can give me a beta keys...
ReplyDeletesend in my email plzz unfms_herz@yahoo.com
thanks friend, , ,
what is a beta key? can someone make on for me?
ReplyDeleteI'm hearing rumors that blizzard will make a Warcraft 4 after finishing StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3. Basing on the graphics, if Warcraft 4 will be realized, it will be as sweet as Diablo 3. I think if IceFrog will continue to work on DOTA that will be played in Warcraft 4, Heroes of Newerth will be ruined. We can all see the progress of StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3, what do you think Warcraft 4 will be? and what do you think DOTA will be in Warcraft 4? :)
ReplyDeleteHoN Ru team is proud to announce betakeys giveway - 3000!
ReplyDeleteThe link: http://heroesofnewerth.ru/invite.php
Check out http://forumsofnewerth.com
ReplyDeleteMany Beta Keys ar being given out! Also active members are able to get game stop gift cards! All you do is post and get points that you can redeem for game stop gift cards!
Check out http://forumsofnewerth.com there are still many beta keys to be given out. Also if you are a active member there is a point system of where you can purchase GAMESTOP gift cards! It is like your are being a active member of a community and getting paid for it! Check it out!
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Heroes-of-Newerth-Updates/245079178769 has beta keys
ReplyDeletecan u send me a beta key???..i would like to play HON as soon as possible...i am really excited to play HON..!
ReplyDeletetnx in advance!!!
this is my email..
send me pls some1 a betakey!!! PLS PLS
This game is waaaaayyyy better than DotA. Sure, I've been playing DotA for only like 2 years, but I would say HoN is still better. It has lots of new heroes, mixed ones, and also DotA ones.
ReplyDeleteIt has a tracking system, meaning you can see stats like kill-death ratio, Total Kills/Deaths/Assists, leavers, average gold per min, average exp per minute, view SUPER OLD GAME STATS and respective replays, etc.
It has better graphics and more intense team fights.
It plays at a faster speed than DotA
2 maps as of now (It still is in Beta Phase people!)
Overall, I give it an 11/10 if it's possible. :D
Cheers :)
Hey i found this site on youtube, it is giving out HON beta keys ..
pls send me a beta key if possible
ReplyDeletePls send me a beta key.My e-mail is djivo.glanz1@du.t-com.hr. Thx!
ReplyDeleteOpen beta starts tomorrow people! I can't wait to play this awesome game!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletetheres a heroes of newerth lan version out now..so grab a copy now...
ReplyDeleteHoN is best my frieds...
ReplyDeleteyou cant da anything against this fact :P
Reconnection System, Game-Balance using PSR, player Statistics...
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