Dota 6.59b Bug - Dota-Allstars 6.59b Bug on IceFrog

This can be a fun thing while waiting for Dota 6.60 with Tauren Chieftain :)
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Wow Alchemist sure can earn lots of money through this!!!
ReplyDeleteA lot? Farm is better.
ReplyDeleteNah, it doesn't really work in a real game since the bottle has a cooldown (1 second). The guy in the video was playing -wtf mode. So you can't really farm using icefrogs as fast as regular farming.
ReplyDelete.59c is out now so this is now outdated.
ReplyDeletenah, you can just spam click the bottle... you don't have ti click on the items in your inventory.. just spam click on the bottle and you'll get your frogs
ReplyDeleteDoes it help spread damage when Earthshaker cast Echo Slam?
ReplyDelete(Sorry for my bad English.)
wow cool works well for pudgey wudgey :)