Dota 6.75 Map - Official DotA 6.75 (Released)

DotA 6.75 Updates:
Final Updates!
Dota 6.75 is released! Check out the DotA 6.75 Download and DotA 6.75 Changelogs!
March 1 2012
IceFrog confirm that DotA 6.75 will contains new contents. Check it out here.
July 18 2012
IceFrog hinted that the new map will be available after the International 2. Check out the news here.
August 14 2012
DotA 6.75 Beta is leaked! Check it out here.
September 19 2012
IceFrog reveals the release date plan for the DotA 6.75. Check it out here.
September 26 2012
DotA 6.75 Loading Screen revealed!
Final Updates!
Dota 6.75 is released! Check out the DotA 6.75 Download and DotA 6.75 Changelogs!
ReplyDeletehow can i download
ReplyDeletede la salle-college of saint benilde
ReplyDeletenew heroes pls earth spirit and makrura!
ReplyDeletehow about adding so
ReplyDeleteme new heroes like a hydra.. :)
Add another batch of heroes or change the entire map tileset itself.
ReplyDeleteChabge the tileset and add some new cool heroes like hydras and forgotten ones.
ReplyDeleteIceFrog may have to change the skill such as: A. medusa at level 4 mystic snake remove snake with two 150 damage, and add aghanim make stone gaze not only making slow but frozen like wearing split rylai.ketika skill shoot enemies who received 300 damage will create the illusion of the medusa. illusion will be exposed to 400% damage but the illusion will be given a 25% additional damage like dota IMBA 2. Firestorm pit lord no longer channeling, Pit of Malice has a passive skill that makes the damage per second 20/30/40/60.merubah ulti pitlord like to make a clan graves of the undead hero with healing effect in the area +10/14/18 300 hp regen per / s and make the corpse as 6/12/18, 3 skill plus his one body damage 60/80/130/170 3. add skill to amplify the fatal bond demnok as 5/7/10/15% 4. menanmbah kind of creep in the jungle to help chen, chen to be much stronger in recent games 5. idea to add mortar, undead dragon, kodo beast, wind rider, three brothers who already have azgalor, added manoroth and magtheridon ^ ^, added Sylvanas Windrunner (ghost) krobekus clan sentinel-like unit, couatl and snap dragon dragon clan, Melle fel estaker , harpy queen, centaur archer, nerubian queen, heretic like undead slave, sludge flinger, blue dragon spawn, polar bear, elder wandigo and possibly a new hero will come out on the next map there's a unit type are like the above, we hope there are 3 new hero for Scourge thanks
ReplyDeleteyeah..if only the tileset can be change..that'll be a nice game with a new feeling..
ReplyDeleteyeah, its just..only goooood.. *if only..
i wish der wud b a hero like a Frost Wyrm/War Golem/Dragon Turtle/ Couati/ etc.
ReplyDeleteNew hero like old shadow demon plz
ReplyDeleteYes,like natural creeps poison shadow demon.
Deleteid like nwe hero like the space orc o the marine (they appear in warcraft editor).
ReplyDeleteAnd Icefrog have to update the tips system.
why always in middle of game got error out then game cant play
ReplyDeleteSna may Bagong hero
ReplyDeleteevolution hero, like kamen rider....
ReplyDeletehero... like kungfu... or japan hero..
ReplyDeleteMake Hero with a name Alwaysless...... looks like nevermore but white with blue flame
ReplyDeleteano pong bago d2
ReplyDeleteplz no more new items!!
ReplyDeleteplzzzz make it fast im so xctd na to play the new map!!!!!!!what new item or hero on it...
ReplyDeleteits me again huskarrrrrr plzzzz make it so fast
ReplyDeletei'll like the bandit spearman or golems heroes appears in warcraft editor to be add.
ReplyDeleteMr.Ice frog.... can u change the buildings... like using Human race instead of the Nightelf and orc instead of undead... I think it`s time for some changes. Dont you think???
ReplyDeleteI agree. Nightelf can be change to human race but the undead cant be changed to orc.
ReplyDeletekung fuhin mo ur face
ReplyDeleteikaw ang mgevolution
ReplyDeleteikaw hero! hero ng mga bading!
ReplyDeletebeacuse ur dumb and weak! :P
ReplyDeletePANGET kayo!
ReplyDeleteearth spirit? then water spirit. are u joking me?? U MAD!
ReplyDeletewow! so long! likee a novel! ILOVEYOU! :* muah muah chup chup!
ReplyDeleteweh?! d nga?! :P
ReplyDeleteplis reconsider "full stopper" like rhasta and lion, it pains in the ass
ReplyDeletealso nortrom, did he really that bad?
then lucifer, he is damned useless XD
love this game :*
who is the new hero!
ReplyDeleteU mad bro
ReplyDeletei like the night elf and scourge... it fits...
ReplyDeletehey how about a new character? a character that looks monstrous as pudge..
ReplyDeletehey how about a character that looks like capt america??
ReplyDeleteI would like to see creeps with Murlocs and other neutral races you can add in 6.75. Add hero like Golem if possible. (The problem is, what abilities for golem?)
ReplyDelete6.75 map we need new heroes many many ......... Wonder ICEFROG plse plse plse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletea minotaur probably suites for a hero with great powers like overwhelming throw similar to tiny's toss blah blah
ReplyDeleteMR.Ice frog,can u add a new hero in it
ReplyDeletewe want a new hero mr. ICEFROG
ReplyDeleteRead my email on the female strength hero mr icefrog. Please, we at least need 1 female strength hero!
ReplyDeletewhen will 6.75 come out?
ReplyDeletelike who?
ReplyDeleteAmazones. Icefrog said hed look at her.
Deletewe want got four treven orc,nightelve,undead,human and new hero pls
ReplyDeleteMR.ICEFROG pls make vengeful spirit us dagger okay
ReplyDeletelike wing raider
ReplyDeleteya ampun orang indonesia
ReplyDeletealay om
yes... i agree woth you
ReplyDeletepliss add hydra hero
SIR want to BE a NaVi im a professinal player
ReplyDeletenew hero please like Panda Earth (Rocky) Master of Stun
ReplyDeletefirst Raijin (Panda Storm) second Xin (Ember Spirit)
ReplyDelete"third Rocky (Panda Earth)"<<<<<<
ReplyDeletewar golem
ReplyDeleterelease panda earth as as strength hero please
turn neutral into heroes^_^
ReplyDeleteang panget moh..!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIcefrog Let there be new heroes so that we can have more fun ^^
ReplyDeletewe want a new scourge hero!
ReplyDeletemaybe its more fun if they add the fun items !!!???
ReplyDeletei like the idea of master of stun... it would be awesome..
ReplyDeletesame goes to Mortred_phantom. why not complete the set of panda's, bear necessity! ^^
ReplyDeletei want new hero, like frost wyrm & War Golem
haha...that sounds CoOl...xD
ReplyDeleteI am a representative of the association dota Indonesia would be very happy if the newhero will be updated at 6.75 AI like Rocky (Panda Earth)
ReplyDeleteim malaysian hahahah <what the mean alay ,you can sacriifice your soul to lucifer qnd deqth with finger
ReplyDeleteapproximately how many days dota 6.75 is launched
ReplyDeletebecause I can not wait to play it
pls add some new hero in 6.75 and i will master the new hero
ReplyDeleteraijin(panda storm)=inteligence xin(ember spirit)=agility rocky(eart spirit)=strength
ReplyDeletepls add new hero in agility
ReplyDeletedont blame me
ReplyDeleteNew Items and a New Look for Roshan....
ReplyDeletemake it Tierra Spirit not Panda Earth
ReplyDeleteUsing Google Translate right??? :/
ReplyDeleteNeed Learn English Languange
ReplyDeletei'm not talking to you. what meaning of your text
ReplyDeletelong time to wait dota 6.75
ReplyDeleteWhy don't make heros level more than 25?
ReplyDeleteat last 6.75 dota yes
ReplyDeleteseems kinda imba don't ya think?. .esp if u have an earthshaker ally.. .or any other aoe ultimate disable.. .
ReplyDeletethen they need to add new skills coz getting more stats doesnt really help.. .in fact it just makes some heroes that are useles lategame more useless..
ReplyDeletenice item of xin mailstrom
ReplyDeletebatlle and buriza
ReplyDeletegoogle translate ya gan :D
ReplyDeleteI want Earth Spirit.
ReplyDeletegryphon rider
ReplyDeleteGryphon Rider with stun like sven his skills maybe "hammerfal"? (stun) his attribute is strength
ReplyDeleteSapphiron with ice breath one of the lich kings wyrms and have slow "Ice Breath" (slow)
Ogre Warlord Could be Polyphemus the one Eyed Cyclops he have Throwing Stone like Tiny Does
how long till the release of 6.75 ?
ReplyDeleteEARTH PANDA (BATO) - STONE SPIRIT...hahahah
ReplyDeletehurry up..stop keeping us waiting!
ReplyDeleteadd more range hero for str.because in str hero less range hero.
ReplyDeleteI think your suggestion so over the dota limit...If like this,it is called dota IMBA and not dota...
ReplyDeletei am representative of ILS group in ISABELA would be happy if the meepo will be update at 6.75 his son will be 6 meepo
ReplyDeleteand the damage is 300 each poof
ReplyDeletegoooooo Panda Earth
ReplyDeleteI hope .. this map already finish ...
ReplyDeletenew heroes :
ReplyDeletebandit scout (agi)(scourge) : mastering in fog and terrain
skill 1 crippling spear lvl 4 deal 200 damage and 150 mana
skill 2 eagle eye lvl 4 reveals area surronding the hero from fog and disable terrain effect(has trueshot effect) for 5 sec
skill 3 blindness reduce targeted enemy hero it vision for 5 sec
ulti ambush lvl 3 slows enemy hero for 40% and gain him 50% AS for succesfull first attack last 4 sec (passive)
why not coming out yet?im dying of waiting to play its already three month (_ _!) please make it faster T_T
ReplyDeleteI Like the idea of panda earth as new hero
ReplyDeleteyeah....hehe... Let's Go Panda Earth!
ReplyDeletedumbass comments from dumbass people..
ReplyDeleteWe Need ARTHAS!!!!
ReplyDeletewhen it will release?
ReplyDeletelike Gul'dan
ReplyDeleteis 4.75 will cum soon
ReplyDeletePlss release 6.75 there's alot of bug on this map. like morp can rs. only lvl 1.. if axe us hunger and lion use voodo the hunger will disappear.. and etc.. so please release it soon as possible.
ReplyDeleteDota 6.75 updates <=======<<<
ReplyDeleteIf its not too late to speak.. Some heros are still 2 strong compared to others U know which ones and u guys can still prep some heroes who can counter other older heros like some one that pummels anti mage eg: (1) a hero that punishes when certain amount or percentage of manapoint is lost with maybe a burst of physical aoe damage like of 50/75/100/125 per 5% or something like that of manapoints lost and add short maim or slow effect +mana swap skill like that sunder .... (2)And speaking of that there are no swordsman in scourage try a reversed avatar of juggernaut (like with azwraith and axe) with white ghostly look and sword dancing moves... Move 1: the hero forces his sword into the ground and manipulates earth spirits and chooses a target to be briefly bound to earth(stun) and finishes with piercing swords from all direction(damage) .. Move 2 or even ulti: the hero changes the element of his sword to fire, water, air and earth at his will and each meele attack to gain from elements for certain mana, fire creates burning effect damaging enemies in aoe, water creates waves slowing enemy attackspeed with each hit in aoe, air creates focused blade increasing self and ally attack speed in aoe, earth trembles the ground beneath slowing enemy movespeed of one that is taking hits and enemies close to it.. Move 3- passive that increases survival like spell negation, hp regen or mp regen or timed spell immunity or even blink.. Move 4- increase in attack speed passively or actively and altering elements of sword with each hit ..hope u like it ..gonna come wit new better ideas.
ReplyDeletewakakakakakakakakakakakak lucu gan translatenya
Make a hero like "Kratos" in God of War. It would be EPIC!
ReplyDeletepwede pong paki release 6.75 map sa dota
ReplyDeleteyou people from indonesia are stupid when it comes to dota so you dont have any say on this
ReplyDeleteKil'Jaeden(Demon Warlock) would be great!!!
ReplyDeletePlis add range hero that using weapon
ReplyDeleteCreate robot hero that can change skill by switch its weapon like troll :)
ReplyDeleteang tagal naman ng 6.75
ReplyDeletekailan pa ang map 6.75
ReplyDeletei suggest a hero like puff(magic dragon)in the 6.75 map.. puff is in 6.74 ai FUN..and ensign ricky he is also in 6.72 ai FUN..
ReplyDeleteBecause he working on Dota2 too!
ReplyDeletei like domo ... please make it a hero... or a courier maybe...
ReplyDeleteTonight Italy Vs Spain an Xe. Vs Vasto :D i love DotA more dan Euro 2012
ReplyDeletei want roshan became a hero
ReplyDeleteHey a Question, Will DotA be Wiped Out when DotA 2 is released?
ReplyDeletefriend I need a map 6.75 because here in Cuba and we still do not need to play when you can write to me is a friend, good friend cuandp can you inform me ok, well my name is Alexander
ReplyDeleteWell dont u think there is one hero that is going to be the best after each version..because of a chinese child ...Yaphets? what are u doing with SF? that was enaugh bulshit about this hero now he has more range even..and we see this hero in 90% of our games. why? coz he can get more lvls and items even if he get killed many times in a game. playing as SF just causes games to be boring.first ability and ultimate of this hero is compeletly unnormal...dont u think? play against sf with a good player.dota is going to be JUST ONE HERO. dont let it be like that.
ReplyDeleteCan you pls add scepter to Grand Magus ultimate??
ReplyDeleteplease add magmus and lich this game
ReplyDeleteadd aghanims to grand magus.and back the bash of the summon wolf of banehallow
ReplyDeleteMay icefrog add scepter to Grand Magus ultimate to make him can steal his own teammate's ultimate?
ReplyDeleteplease add also the giant wolf.:))
ReplyDeletestupid Indonesia...
ReplyDeletelose to Philippine...
Malaysia people oxymoron bitch
ReplyDeleteso lol...
ReplyDeletewe gonna wait long lol
ReplyDeletehey u all..especially motred phantom... its better if u make it with this... ...TerraThorn (Earthen Spirit) with strong passive physical attacks and a moderate movement speed...
ReplyDeletehow's that??
the next update: max map file 8Mb and added 1 hero str. name uknown. fix 86 bugs-fog pudge m.speed (ms) 6.74c is 285 next update pudge have 280 m.speed (ms) fix ultimate (pudge) delay after meat hook by 0.6 sec. meat hook lvl 1 850 range-130 dmg lvl 2 1100 range 190 dmg lvl 3 1260 range 255 dmg 4 lvl 1450 range 330 dmg. Nevermore 4 more souls. Visage uptade +8 starting str +1 armor. goblin techies the mines have nown 150 range more vision +175 dmg ( lvl4) Leoric have extra skill ( uknown ) and finish gondar have more +2 armor + 5agi +4str ( starting game) suriken toss lvl4 370 dmg. that is a news of dota 6.75 map from icefrog. this news posted by dota2 wiki or steam news (dota2)
i wish brothers of ZEUS
ReplyDeletecome to dota, HADES and POSEIDON :D
wait so long a new map of dota .
ReplyDeleteA hero, that mastered the four elements, and it's race is a wildkin. :)
ReplyDeleteA hero that can have true sight around for an amount of time, can have a true strike for an amount of time, has a mana burning effect aura, and will deal a bonus attack damage equal to the lost percentage of mana to the enemies. :)
ReplyDeletebrothers of ZEUS
ReplyDeletecome to dota, HADES and POSEIDON
A musician hero! :)
ReplyDeletedecrease the cooldown of nortrom's ulti... Make nortrom a but stronger..
ReplyDeletedamn fucking Indonesian!!! ><
ReplyDeleteadd female str heroes plss..^^
bright idea if roshan will be aa hero. another stone hero aside from tiny. awesome
ReplyDeletehydra or king aganhim be a hero, the father or rubik
ReplyDeletethis pinoy so idiot..
Fuck u all!
ReplyDeleteLet ice frog do his stuff re!
Dafaq. !
FUCKs @jhon
ReplyDeletebut panda earth will have a spell with stun exemple:EarthShock hero like this is pandaren brewmaster so make Tierra Spirit
ReplyDeletei wish that guardian wisp go to the int. member and ogre magi was go to the strength......because wisp is like an int and it is a full support and ogre is like an strength.......
ReplyDeletei have few requests, 1st, panda earth, 2nd, make ai more aggresive, seriously, ai enemy team act like pro but my ai grandma play dota better!(sometime occurs), 3rd, hydra hero(i think it's cool and make that split as ulti), 4th, hero that can absorb allies incoming damage, i think that's all, thanks in advance :)
ReplyDeletedpah ba pd eh download ang 6.75maps
ReplyDeletei wish that you should remake the courier that never should use an item because my friend likes his crow to use dagon and chase the red health heroes then use dagon ahh it suck ice frog please im begging you change the mech. of the courier
ReplyDeleteI wish Rajnikanth comes to dota! He will pawn all heroes! :D
ReplyDeleteFUCK you maybe ur the IDIOT kid...
ReplyDeleteStupid Philippine people..always talking shit n bullshit..FUCK Phinoy...!!!!
ReplyDeletei wish king aghanim is in dota
ReplyDeletewhat about making Chuck Norris a str hero???
ReplyDeleteI wish alleria go to agility and medusa to int. cause alleria like agi hero and medusa like int hero. also turn windrunner third skill from active to passive.
ReplyDeleteI wish Thor Arrive in dota
ReplyDeletewhen firelord arrive in dota? with three skill active one skill passi
this chinese guy have no balls to play dota
ReplyDeleteso fool==','"rocky" stupid,already have pandaren=='
ReplyDeletedon no about Dota,don dare say anythng..
agree.. xD
ReplyDeletecome noob, dont talk only
ReplyDeleteulul ka jhon
ReplyDelete@Pinoy_Star Indonesia's weak.. don't bother talking to them.. they wont understand you lol :D
ReplyDeletePhillip's the best..
got butcher.. why not we try fiShmonger ?? >.<
ReplyDeleteheres the link of beta 5 :)
ReplyDeletenice imagination,, but learn to speak english for fuck sake..
ReplyDeletecreat new hero like dragon..xD
ReplyDeletename him gaia spirit aka rocky
ReplyDeletecreate a pinoy hero hahahaha
ReplyDeleteeh???? ewwwww disgusting! just add my face in there so there can be an escort in that map...
ReplyDeletesana may innovation nman sa mapa yung 6.75, wag na yung mga item at hero. mapa nman like new secret places and gimmicks.
don't kid my country u philippine u never fight with so don't boast ur self u will regret it i promise
ReplyDeletein the next map, please change the hotkey of exorcism (krobelus ulti) to any button instead of 'x' so that rubick can steal her ulti...
ReplyDeletehow about when venge swap , she got + 10 all the attributes. So she got stronger.
ReplyDeletehow about when Chen use his ultimate beside heal friends also damage the enemy around his allies .
ReplyDeletehey keepyour fuckin mouth fuck"n"PINOY"
ReplyDelete@28c54bffc57be1888b5b936f43a0fe13:disqus CAN YOU SHUT UR FUCKIN MOUTH PLEASE???? COME NOOB DONT TALK ONLY PLEASE :)
ReplyDeleteo0o !!!!!!
ReplyDeletePOTA! Wala pang 6.75?