Dota 6.74 6v6 Map Released! - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.74 6v6 Map Released!

dota 6.74 6v6Dota 6.74 6v6 has just came fresh from the oven! For you who think that 5v5 is not enough, GoDTony is kind enough to give you an option to play a DotA map with 1 more player on each side! Check out the download link below and don't forget saying thanks to GoDTony :)

Dota 6.74 6v6 Download Link
DotA_v6.74_6v6.w3x via GameWebz
DotA_v6.74_6v6.w3x via 6v6DotA

If you find any bugs on this map, you can report it directly to this post. Enjoy the epic war between 12 players on this map! 

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