Yurnero Guide - the Juggernaut Build & Strategy

Yurnero Guide & Build, the Juggernaut Strategy. Yurnero is one of the carry hero who can become immune to magic, has awesome finishing moves and has good healing mechanism. This post contains Yurnero the Juggernaut guide, item build, skill build and strategy.

Slicing through armor with the greatest of ease. Whirling, dancing like a dervish, swiping foes with a flick of the wrist. Poetry in motion, slashing enemy upon enemy in the blink of an eye. Yurnero seeks perfection. Seeks to become one with his blade. All to fulfill his destiny as the unstoppable Juggernaut.

Strength - 20 + 1.9
Agility - 20 + 2.85 (Primary)
Intelligence- 14 + 1.4
Base damage 44-48
Attack range of 100 (melee)
Base Armor 3.9
Movement speed of 305
Juggernaut Skill Descriptions
Blade Fury (F)

Causes a bladestorm of destructive force around Yurnero, rendering him immune to magic and dealing damage to nearby enemy units. Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 1 - Deals 80 damage per second
Level 2 - Deals 100 damage per second
Level 3 - Deals 120 damage per second
Level 4 - Deals 140 damage per second
Mana Cost: 110
Cooldown: 30,28,26,24
This skill will help him to get first blood or even escape because it gives him spell immunity. A nice skill to have. The only drawback is that you cannot attack while spinning. However, if you're attack the building, you still can use the normal attack while spinning. The animation won't showed though.
Healing Ward (G)

Summons a Healing Ward that heals all nearby allied units' life. Lasts 25 seconds.
Level 1 - Heals 1% of hit points per second.
Level 2 - Heals 2% of hit points per second.
Level 3 - Heals 3% of hit points per second.
Level 4 - Heals 4% of hit points per second.
This is a late game skill. It will be useful when pushing and raxing without going back to the fountain.
Blade Dance

Yurnero's cunning blade gives him a chance to deal double damage on each attack.
Level 1 - 10% chance.
Level 2 - 18% chance.
Level 3 - 26% chance.
Level 4 - 36% chance.
This skill provides the second highest dps boost among other criticals, being inferior only to Mortred's level 3 Coup de Grace.
Omnislash (E)

Yurnero moves around the battlefield, slashing many enemies. Yurnero becomes invulnerable while Omnislashing.
Level 1 - 3 (5*) Slashes
Level 2 - 5 (7*) Slashes
Level 3 - 8 (10*) Slashes
Cooldown: 130/120/110 (110/100/90 *)
Mana Cost: 200/275/350
*) With Aghanim
This is what makes Juggernaut so feared among players. This skill can take out most heroes if they’re caught alone.
Juggernaut Skill Build
Level 1: Blade Fury
Level 2: Stats
Level 3: Blade Fury
Level 4: Stats
Level 5: Blade Fury
Level 6: Omnislash
Level 7: Blade Fury
Level 8: Blade Dance
Level 9: Blade Dance
Level 10: Blade Dance
Level 11: Omnislash
Level 12: Blade Dance
Level 13: Healing Ward
Level 14: Healing Ward
Level 15: Healing Ward
Level 16: Omnislash
Level 17: Healing Ward
Levels 18-25: Stats
Blade Fury maxed ASAP to harass as it is his primary attack spell.
Two Attribute Bonus Points early-game to increase HP and mana.
Blade Dance maxed by level 12 to gank effectively with Critical Strike Omnislash.
Healing Ward to start pushing as fast as possible.
Omnislash at 6, 11, and 16 to start hero killing.
Juggernaut Item Build
1. Boots of Speed and 1 Set of Tangos For Getting First Blood
OR 2x Slippers of Agility, 2 Set of Tangos, 2x Mana Potion in Safe Mode (Solo)
2. Finish 2x Wraith Band
3. Helm of Dominator
4. Finish Power Tread or Phase Boots or Boots of Travel
5. Finish Battle Fury
Your core item should be like this:
Wraith band to increase his agility and hit points a bit. Lifesteal is pretty crucial for a high dps hero so he needs Helm of Dominator which can be upgraded into Satanic later. Splash damage is needed while casting omnislash for damaging/killing more enemies.
Power Tread to increase his DPS and stat or Phase Boot to maximize Blade Fury while chasing enemy or Boots of Travel for pushing more efficient.
Sange Yasha, Diffusal Blade, Stygian Desolator, and Mjolnir are other good orbs for him. But in exchange, he must have Vladmir's Offering.
Juggernaut Late Game Items
Here is dream build for him:

Those all are useful items for him. Satanic is the best lifesteal item especially when unholy rage is activated. Battlefury for splash damage. Power Tread and A.C. for attack speed. Aghanim to increase his ultimate: omnislash. The Butterfly for attack speed, damage and evasion.
In some situations, this build is not suitable. For example, when there are many disabler enemy hero then BKB is more needed, when there is enemy who like fleeing using TP Scroll, Boots of Travel or special skill then he needs MKB to stop it.
Juggernaut Strategy
You can pick this hero when your team needs a dps-carry hero and a healer.
You need to be supported by:
- Hero having AoE Damage for clearing the way faster such as Leshrac, Raigor, Crixalis, etc. When there is no creep, you can landing his ultimate on your enemies perfectly.
- Disabler hero such as Slitice and Rhasta to help you landing Blade Fury perfectly for getting first blood or just killing hero in early minutes. Of course disabler hero is still useful too in the mid game or late game.
- Mana provider such as crystal maiden or ezalor.
Beware of his counter:
- Disabler: if you are disabled how are you gonig to leech life?
- Wind walkers because they can escape you while you omnislahing thats why ALWAYS when you are about to gank wind walkers bring dust with you
- Blinkers...even more horrible then wind walkers because one blink and they are saved. Thats why you cant solo gank those, bring a disabler with you.
How to Use Blade Fury
Blade fury is just so good for a lot of things, and mostly its based on the spell immunity it gives you and not the damage, although for early game this damage is great.
You can use it to engage in team battles right away when they start because if you are the carry and you most likely will be almost all targeted spells will target you so if you don't have the money for BKB then this is like lesser-BKB.
When you will run into the fight with bladefury first your opponents (especially if its pub) will get a little confused with their spells because you are supposed to be the target but you are immune. So now they have two choices:
1: Wait for you to stop spinning and then unload all of their spells but while they wait they will get raped by your teammates.
2: They will use spells on your teammates in which case they still most likely they are going to lose the battle if you got your omni up and you have sufficient damage.
Also Blade Fury can be used to escape:
1. Cast Blade Fury
2. Use TP / BoT while whirling.
In early minutes you can do both solo and with a partner. If solo, you should put him in the bottom for sentinel and top for scourge. If with a partner then it doesnt really matter. Don't forget to block creep.
In the middle game, this is where you need to be ganking with your teammates and farming.
Late game is the time when you come out of the forest and start raping your team. If the game didn't end yet then when your team push or be pushed, your healing ward will be handy. Oh and you could Roshan too.
Based on: Playdota Guide
This post contain Yurnero Guide & Build - The Juggernaut Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Juggernaut Forum.

Slicing through armor with the greatest of ease. Whirling, dancing like a dervish, swiping foes with a flick of the wrist. Poetry in motion, slashing enemy upon enemy in the blink of an eye. Yurnero seeks perfection. Seeks to become one with his blade. All to fulfill his destiny as the unstoppable Juggernaut.

Strength - 20 + 1.9
Agility - 20 + 2.85 (Primary)
Intelligence- 14 + 1.4
Base damage 44-48
Attack range of 100 (melee)
Base Armor 3.9
Movement speed of 305
Juggernaut Skill Descriptions
Blade Fury (F)

Causes a bladestorm of destructive force around Yurnero, rendering him immune to magic and dealing damage to nearby enemy units. Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 1 - Deals 80 damage per second
Level 2 - Deals 100 damage per second
Level 3 - Deals 120 damage per second
Level 4 - Deals 140 damage per second
Mana Cost: 110
Cooldown: 30,28,26,24
This skill will help him to get first blood or even escape because it gives him spell immunity. A nice skill to have. The only drawback is that you cannot attack while spinning. However, if you're attack the building, you still can use the normal attack while spinning. The animation won't showed though.
Healing Ward (G)

Summons a Healing Ward that heals all nearby allied units' life. Lasts 25 seconds.
Level 1 - Heals 1% of hit points per second.
Level 2 - Heals 2% of hit points per second.
Level 3 - Heals 3% of hit points per second.
Level 4 - Heals 4% of hit points per second.
This is a late game skill. It will be useful when pushing and raxing without going back to the fountain.
Blade Dance

Yurnero's cunning blade gives him a chance to deal double damage on each attack.
Level 1 - 10% chance.
Level 2 - 18% chance.
Level 3 - 26% chance.
Level 4 - 36% chance.
This skill provides the second highest dps boost among other criticals, being inferior only to Mortred's level 3 Coup de Grace.
Omnislash (E)

Yurnero moves around the battlefield, slashing many enemies. Yurnero becomes invulnerable while Omnislashing.
Level 1 - 3 (5*) Slashes
Level 2 - 5 (7*) Slashes
Level 3 - 8 (10*) Slashes
Cooldown: 130/120/110 (110/100/90 *)
Mana Cost: 200/275/350
*) With Aghanim
This is what makes Juggernaut so feared among players. This skill can take out most heroes if they’re caught alone.
Juggernaut Skill Build
Level 1: Blade Fury
Level 2: Stats
Level 3: Blade Fury
Level 4: Stats
Level 5: Blade Fury
Level 6: Omnislash
Level 7: Blade Fury
Level 8: Blade Dance
Level 9: Blade Dance
Level 10: Blade Dance
Level 11: Omnislash
Level 12: Blade Dance
Level 13: Healing Ward
Level 14: Healing Ward
Level 15: Healing Ward
Level 16: Omnislash
Level 17: Healing Ward
Levels 18-25: Stats
Blade Fury maxed ASAP to harass as it is his primary attack spell.
Two Attribute Bonus Points early-game to increase HP and mana.
Blade Dance maxed by level 12 to gank effectively with Critical Strike Omnislash.
Healing Ward to start pushing as fast as possible.
Omnislash at 6, 11, and 16 to start hero killing.
Juggernaut Item Build
1. Boots of Speed and 1 Set of Tangos For Getting First Blood
OR 2x Slippers of Agility, 2 Set of Tangos, 2x Mana Potion in Safe Mode (Solo)
2. Finish 2x Wraith Band
3. Helm of Dominator
4. Finish Power Tread or Phase Boots or Boots of Travel
5. Finish Battle Fury
Your core item should be like this:

Wraith band to increase his agility and hit points a bit. Lifesteal is pretty crucial for a high dps hero so he needs Helm of Dominator which can be upgraded into Satanic later. Splash damage is needed while casting omnislash for damaging/killing more enemies.
Power Tread to increase his DPS and stat or Phase Boot to maximize Blade Fury while chasing enemy or Boots of Travel for pushing more efficient.
Sange Yasha, Diffusal Blade, Stygian Desolator, and Mjolnir are other good orbs for him. But in exchange, he must have Vladmir's Offering.
Juggernaut Late Game Items
Here is dream build for him:

Those all are useful items for him. Satanic is the best lifesteal item especially when unholy rage is activated. Battlefury for splash damage. Power Tread and A.C. for attack speed. Aghanim to increase his ultimate: omnislash. The Butterfly for attack speed, damage and evasion.
In some situations, this build is not suitable. For example, when there are many disabler enemy hero then BKB is more needed, when there is enemy who like fleeing using TP Scroll, Boots of Travel or special skill then he needs MKB to stop it.
Juggernaut Strategy
You can pick this hero when your team needs a dps-carry hero and a healer.
You need to be supported by:
- Hero having AoE Damage for clearing the way faster such as Leshrac, Raigor, Crixalis, etc. When there is no creep, you can landing his ultimate on your enemies perfectly.
- Disabler hero such as Slitice and Rhasta to help you landing Blade Fury perfectly for getting first blood or just killing hero in early minutes. Of course disabler hero is still useful too in the mid game or late game.
- Mana provider such as crystal maiden or ezalor.
Beware of his counter:
- Disabler: if you are disabled how are you gonig to leech life?
- Wind walkers because they can escape you while you omnislahing thats why ALWAYS when you are about to gank wind walkers bring dust with you
- Blinkers...even more horrible then wind walkers because one blink and they are saved. Thats why you cant solo gank those, bring a disabler with you.
How to Use Blade Fury
Blade fury is just so good for a lot of things, and mostly its based on the spell immunity it gives you and not the damage, although for early game this damage is great.
You can use it to engage in team battles right away when they start because if you are the carry and you most likely will be almost all targeted spells will target you so if you don't have the money for BKB then this is like lesser-BKB.
When you will run into the fight with bladefury first your opponents (especially if its pub) will get a little confused with their spells because you are supposed to be the target but you are immune. So now they have two choices:
1: Wait for you to stop spinning and then unload all of their spells but while they wait they will get raped by your teammates.
2: They will use spells on your teammates in which case they still most likely they are going to lose the battle if you got your omni up and you have sufficient damage.
Also Blade Fury can be used to escape:
1. Cast Blade Fury
2. Use TP / BoT while whirling.
In early minutes you can do both solo and with a partner. If solo, you should put him in the bottom for sentinel and top for scourge. If with a partner then it doesnt really matter. Don't forget to block creep.
In the middle game, this is where you need to be ganking with your teammates and farming.
Late game is the time when you come out of the forest and start raping your team. If the game didn't end yet then when your team push or be pushed, your healing ward will be handy. Oh and you could Roshan too.
Based on: Playdota Guide
This post contain Yurnero Guide & Build - The Juggernaut Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Juggernaut Forum.
1st blood !
ReplyDeleteI'll change the assault cuirass with a divine rapier (my fave item for all melee heroes)
ReplyDeleteget ganked and its game over for you my friend...
ReplyDeleteBut where is desolator?
ReplyDeleteIt is the best item choice for yurnero.
because we already have cuirass
DeleteIt depend to the user if you are so good to handle a hero,... noobs
ReplyDeleteEtheral blade is a must on Jug!
ReplyDeleteEtheral Blade is the best weapon for a agi type hero!!!
ReplyDeleteJugg's ulti and blade fury belongs to physical dmg category, you basically negate every single one of his hits when you etheral blade -.- i rather you bought shadow fiend etheral blade. It just makes more sense to do so
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This is just a test.
ReplyDeleteyour all noobs!
ReplyDeletetreads,battle fury, butterfly, aghanims scepter, satanic and refresher is the best item for yurnero. you will likely get a rampage kill with these items.
how about 6 divine that will surely be a RRRAAAAMMMPPPAAAGGGEEE...LOL...
DeleteYou're the noob lol, those are pathetic items on him. Every game is different, builds are fluid, and Desolator is better than Satanic in almost every situation. If you think that Refresher is good on him then go play Tetris.
ReplyDeleteHow about putting Vladimir's?
ReplyDeleteUse mjolnir to yurnero and use his first skill... the lightning of the mjolnir will damage the nearby creeps plus the fury damage... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! beat that!!!!! (//_^)
ReplyDeletewell,, it depends on the hero handler ..
ReplyDeletealso consider your opponent hero
sange & yasha ?
ReplyDeleteits the item for speed, agi, and strenght.
i choose that
i like axe better than yurenero
ReplyDeleteI had founded more better strategy for jagga. I will wright guid for him.
ReplyDeleteWith new strategy game Jaga don't need move fast.
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i agree ! mjolnir is the item LOL ^_^
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you know if i was you u'll use -test and 0wtf it works better than u think
ReplyDelete_ you can onLy add 6 iron wood branch that will give you a good game .. :)
ReplyDeleteGet Medalion of courage and phase boots and in the beginning you could rape them easily with no harm done,, Be sure 2 use MOC wisely. With treds ur no more when theirs to much disablers and ur ms is weak ur gonna be likely to get catched up by ur enemy when s1 is no more.. With great ms u confuse enemy easily using fog.. and in 20 min lothars is a need if ur a pro at hunting
ReplyDeleteim realy whant to know more details about yunero
ReplyDeletei dont agree much on the item build...
ReplyDeletenew build for yurnero manta sy
ReplyDeletehaha it's better if you build heavens halberd than sy :)
Deleteworst nightmare for omnishlash, Slark's last skill!
ReplyDeletetotoo ba 2 ??
I Like yurnero and rylai
ReplyDeletejuggi build for me pt battlefury helm styg ag.sceptr heart
ReplyDeleteI don't know why dota player sometimes call noobs to other,
ReplyDeleteahh. . .
I think the hero build is situational.
Never say your build is good than other,,
ReplyDeletenice build, advice on how to farm easily without being killed or without being left by your enemy in level.
ReplyDeletecome on,.,,,those who are calling other player noobs are those who kills 5 insane AI heroes with -test + -gold99999999 hahaha weaklings.
ReplyDeletehahahahaha nice 1
DeleteTrue Story !!!! :D
Deletemy item is only treads and butterfly and yasha and dagger 13 kills and 4 deaths if our so pro on dota u will do what i did
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