Dota 6.67 AI Plus - Dota-Allstars 6.67 AI Plus Map News & Update

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Update: Since the latest map is already Dota 6.67c, please check the Dota 6.67c AI post if you wanna know new updates about the Dota 6.67 AI map.
I Love Malaysia! <3
ReplyDeleteholas este mapa necesita de algun parche para funcionar??
ReplyDeleteespero poder descargarlo
hope you change Slark's third skill.. so imbalance especially with 1 on 1... hope you;ll also release 6.67 and 6.67AI asap.. thank you so much! :) go DotA!
ReplyDeleteulTra KiLL..
ReplyDeleteslark vs undying (who will win?????)
ReplyDeleteyou aks whoo...???
i'm sure "I" will win...!!!
all uphead me is already killed by chicken for 350 gold
ReplyDeleteslark 3rd skill not really imba cause slark hp very acceptable.
ReplyDeletei expecting to fix ai map..........especially new heroes
ReplyDeleteum why don they make new heroes because im bored using old hero lol^.^
ReplyDeletelaso ngoni
ReplyDeletewuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....baku abis jowww
ReplyDeletei hope that u will balance the new hero espically aa and slark
ReplyDeleteLoL.its juz balance on 1st 5 about slark using his shadow dance.he will appear back with great hitpoint,damage,speed that time you are on RED life.thus,his pact is REMOVE NEGATIVE BUFF.
ReplyDeletethis hero is perfection on Killing .nobody can run ,nomatter how many divine in your hand(and gem).he will suck ur str until bcome 1,ur mana also lost,agi - armor is that????
atropos enfeeble seem useless.he gain stat ok.doom maybe about he cast his pact 2 sec b4 waste is that?
TO MANY IMBA SKILL ON HIM.he life low but he regen when unseen was 4%.WTF!he can leap.can remove negative buff,AND BCOMING SHADOW(invii)!!!
aa is way to simple.make sure u safe from his blast(upper then 12% percent of your life).juz need healer or mekanism.aa no defensive skill.and he r fragile.(his skill still noot imba at all,but imba when meet the combo.)
I think that slark is imba hero and he is one of the most hero that can kill mortred because he will suck her agility 2 point per hit OMG!WTF!getting armor and damage making her critical unusseles.
ReplyDeleteBut hes bigest enemy is lucifer because he will stop hes spells nad life steal.
ReplyDeleteso slark's core items are tank items such as vanguard, hood of defiance, tarrasque, bkb, hyperstone.....
ReplyDeletehola quiero probar este mapa
ReplyDeleteme muerode ganas por jugarlo....
por favor liberenlo....
soy dotero de corazon
"heya this isnt slark thread"
ReplyDeleteplease makes ai smarter
i know its difficult task
but i believe BMP can do it
slarks nots that Cool or what all of you so called it " IMBA "..
ReplyDeleteOmni vs. Slark... who will win ? :D
Omni for sure :) .. with Blademail only.. shit!. :D
Omni vs. Slark... who will win ? :D
ReplyDeleteSlark for sure :) .. with Divine rapier and Satanic only.. shit!. :D
when dota 6.67 will be release ??
ReplyDeleteeveryone!!!!!!!! listen slark and aa are not imba nor too simple they are just like the other heroes all of the heroes have what you call as ANTI heroes thats the key to defeating them
ReplyDeleteputang ina nyo mga bobo slardar lang katpat nang slrk mga bobo
ReplyDeleteai in 6.66 is too week... ai in 6.59 is good than 6.64 and 66
ReplyDeletei think slarks skills is just need to change anything...all you need to change is how you play it...
ReplyDeleteou nga naman!! SLARK IS NOT IMBA!! REALIZE that the imba hero's are Fuzzy Wuzzy, Abadon, Tinker and many more!! slark is just a piece of shit to them!! duh...
ReplyDeleteLol, slark imba=witch doctor imba
ReplyDeleteslark IS TOOO DAMN IMBA...sladar????dreaming???his pact remove all negative buff!!!!!ALLL
ReplyDeletesladar???who the hell????no match..mana pool too if slark buy diffusal?sucked and burned..sladar no mana can do what?sprint also deal extra DAMAGE...such stupid escape skill.
tinker?????that fragile bitch?nuke him 1st then u will win a clash.abadon imba????????????????????
fuzzy wuzzy is undeniable imba..but slark is too damn imba(essence shift is truely destroying dota) about bane?1 v 1 bane ?only tidehunter can win??????
plz remade and nerf this bloody fuck
litsen guys,
ReplyDeleteslark steal STATS(life ,mana, damage)..
can bcome invi...
what the hell is going on with icefrog head????????????????????????????????????
ice frog has already balanced all the hero in dota to be fun to play..don't blame counter slark..there are so many ways..figure it out yourself..hoho..
ReplyDeletethis game can make we are 1 malaysia.....
ReplyDeleteyup...dont have to blame for slark..hes not imba..just have to find some hero that can match him...too weak if you cant think of one..
ReplyDeleteim tired of waiting..
ReplyDeletewhen is 6.67 ai comin out?
ReplyDeleteimba ako
ReplyDeleteOMG! What in the world is happenning here? There are more people here in this blog site weak in grammar and spelling... What's the use of playing DOTA if your just gonna live all your life for it?
ReplyDeletewhats the use of living your life if your not playing DOTA?
ReplyDeleteWho gives a shit, they are just fobs. Give them some slack. By the way your not so good at spelling yourself fag "happenning" HAHAHAhaha. Maybe you should ask yourself that question.
ReplyDeleteAI owns you
ReplyDeletelol.. actually all heroes oso imba if noe how to play properly.. just dun compare pubs game and tournament.. cus slark as far as i noe, Nobody use in tour~! o_0
ReplyDeleteSLARK IS IMBA >
ReplyDeleteJUST MAKE
Icefrog u are the best.. i know u can fix all imba char.... chaiyo3x icefrog!!!!!!
ReplyDeletedownload.....something? :|
ReplyDeleteslark is just fine!! its just the way you deal with it!! slark cool skills but low stat gain!! its just easy to kill slark just have a gem of tru sight, wards that have tru sight or dust of appearance.. and use heroes that dont depend much on their stats!! like juggernaut with a gem = slark poor performance!! slark versus roftfrellen slark poor performance!!
ReplyDeletei think this thread was to encourage the new AI map...not ejaculate all over the SLarK imbaness reports...Btw..By just removing the negative buff ability, he becomes a balanced hero.
the best of game
ReplyDeleteice frog i want new hero in 6.68 and i want that mirana arrow is 6 second maximum and the starfall dmg will be 450 plss
ReplyDeleteN i want an apple pie to go with that...
ReplyDeleteslark is auto-banned in captains mode.
ReplyDeletekill slark with dagon5.orchid.guinsoo.
ReplyDeletecan enchantress stand this guy?
ReplyDeleteevery hero is balance.... and if u all think there is unbalance report them to icefrog..... not here plz... dont be too emotional here..... i always remember playin dota that is u need to be smart, aware n able to team work.... dont complain so much.... u r playin dota for free n u should thanks to ice frog....including bmp for his ai map....
ReplyDeleteGosh you guys constantly complain about slark. He is so much fun to play lol. As for his balancing. He has the hp of a wet paper bag and horrible stat gains. Just kill him often and early and he poses no real threat. And no not every hero is balanced meaning they are not equal to every other hero. They just serve different purposes. Some roam, so push, some, support gank, so just irritate lol. Slark is a ganker, like ursa, slardar naix, and a few others. There job is to be murdering bastards. Why nerf them? Stop thinking every hero is supposed to be l33t at ganking. That would ruin the game.
ReplyDeleteplz cr8 a hero that can defeat slark
ReplyDeleteI wish that 6.68 map will have new hero & a new loading page
ReplyDeleteHow to Defeat Slark for people screaming up there:
ReplyDeleteBlade Mail
nuff said, slark has VERY low HP.
slark is not imba...i can kill him easily...he's fragile
ReplyDeletearvin said...
ReplyDeleteice frog i want new hero in 6.68 and i want that mirana arrow is 6 second maximum and the starfall dmg will be 450 plss
WTF? 6 SEC?!?!? 5 second is enough to kill.
and Starfall 450 damage?
Stop Dreaming pls
just use ursa to kill slark >.>
ReplyDeleteDotA the best game ever! :D
ReplyDeleteslark is like the melee mirana, and like mirana(cuz of pounce >:) ), dot let him farm or he will own u. slark is easy to kill.
ReplyDelete450 starfall? LOL mirana is already imba
man dont chalenge me or i will show u that not even ursa can kill slark!!
ReplyDeletehe is a killing machine. u mast finish the game before slark reaches 16 lvl
then its gg
slark can be killed. SO DONT TO SPEAK ANYMORE !!!
ReplyDeleteslark iS the powerful hero in dota it can defeat any hero u use
ReplyDeleteslark is a violet bitch mg kantutan na kaung lhat
ReplyDeletethat bullshit
ReplyDeleteis imba...stupid dota..go abuse ur self with imba hero!
why not try using fast kill heroes like atropos and lion against slark..
ReplyDeletehis low hp will make him very fragile against finger and fiend's grip
agreed with top .... dont give him farm or lvling... kill him in the begin.... for me he is not that best.... he have low hp... sure intel hero can fight him....
ReplyDeletesven vs slark
ReplyDeletesven's items:
damn slark
who will win (me) windrunner vs. Slark
lah-leh is so IMBA.. Can't even kill him with 5 heroes..
ReplyDeleteBuy Gem. Pick Faceless Void. And Slark is toast
ReplyDeleteyeah, use gem/wards on slark for fuck's sake. then use heroes with good burst damage (lina and lion comes to mind) for easy kill.Or just use any heroes with skill combos like rashta/bane. should be easy kiling him unless you suck at harrassing/denying/playing. since he's a melee, don't fight him mano y mano. if he used pounce, stun him or lock him. hes easy to spot when invi too... use that to your advantage. use your brains.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think? Share your thought! ;)
For further discussion, you can use Dota-Blog Forums.
Please use English :)
if he's IMBA so what? then use him!!!
ReplyDeleteslark is to easy for slardar and silithice....
ReplyDeletei hope new loading screen should be cute version or sexy loading screen
ReplyDeleteAll that have commented before me have been pwned by Mini Techies For 99999999Gold
ReplyDeleteMini Techies is Super Duper Beyond Godlike!
wew? i hope the new 6.67 Ai's are as strong as the Ai's in 6.59, or maybe much more harder!
As hard as a true player! Or give them ability to use bottle crow and rune catching!, also make the mid Solo and dual in top and bottom!
thats all! ty!
Slark is so imba..But please dont change his skills because when i bet it is the only one i trust.
ReplyDeleteBut I am Godlike all the time that I play
ReplyDeleteSo just now I also waiting for new Ai map
Who know the effect off New Item. Plz tell me??
And how to use it ?
Enjoy yr life when u play Dota
Son of Godlike
So if Slark Vs Sniper or Drow ranger
ReplyDeleteu guys think who wii win??
-All mode
u think who will got first blood??
Agi Hero
hei guys...can u make ai mirana arrows were aim perfectly...the ai just dogde it like it was nothing....out of 35 of my arrow...only 5 hit..that juz suck..
ReplyDeleteyr mirana is godlike all the time right?
but ai map they made for you try new hero man
not for play only yr favorite hero
try to play new hero man
So u just can play only mirana right ?
ReplyDeletehow could this happen..
i thougth that there's a 6.67AI
my brother told me..
wat DA!.
My brother is IMBA!
ReplyDeleteits all about the courier. can u make a new patch that can share the courier of one allied player without sharing its hero/character??
ReplyDeletenooobsss.slark isnt imba,damn noobbsss, just have a gud strategy...if ur a weakling then slark is imba for u, almost all hero that kills ur hero u say that hero is imba,sheesh wtf.
ReplyDeletethe comment top of me is right........damn noobs.. just use blademail or gem,.besides even if he is invi u can see the f*cking black cloud.. r u to newb or blind to see that?!
ReplyDeleteSlark Imba??? Try 1 by 1 Wif Veno...hahahaha
ReplyDelete^ uhh stupid comment much?
ReplyDeleteno hero in dota is imba, maybe you just dont know how to counter them.
ReplyDeleteremember "mr.strong is nothing to mr.many"
i dun think slark is dat imba
ReplyDeletei saw some ppl use it n i kill yhem like
it is soft
he needs to hit u to increase its performance
jus use lina wif a gem or lion
stun him then COMBO!!!!
haha slark.... imba? try use visage.... deng.. sure own...
ReplyDeletejust make the f***ing map ASAP!
ReplyDeletesuch stupid comments... if you're going to constantly complain about Slark being an unbalanced hero, just stop being n00bs and play -cm (Captain's Mode) and just ban Slark from the hero list
ReplyDeleteplayer that's say slark is imba are fool, it hp reeaaaaaallyyyyyyy low. so, why not slark can steal stats?
ReplyDeletewhen the map will come long wait that map
ReplyDeletewew... slark is not imba... he is weak!.. slardar can kill him easily...
ReplyDeletehaha...all weak lolz..
ReplyDeleteSlark isen't imba...i'm the one whos imba i can own you all...jkjk no offense....It isen't the hero that is imba,it is how you play the heroes that makes it imba....
ReplyDeleteOkay.... First of all Slark really is imbalanced but, BUT can be defeated just like the old Razor. When SLark uses pounce you can use Kelen's Dagger or a Lothar's Edge and be able to escape also when fighting Slark and you're an Int hero (ex. Harbinger) use Ghost Scepter!!!!!!, but be wary of the first skill and pounce for it has increased damage.
ReplyDeleteTide Hunter enough Lol Juz LT then water chase LA !!!!!
ReplyDelete<<<<Kunnka Juz X Spot then boots of travel then press LOL !!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletehow could i support 6.67 it sayz 2 me that the file size is very large
ReplyDeletechange ur warcraft 3 version LOL!
ReplyDeleteuse War3VerSwitcher - google it or find it here.
new patch has upper limit of map size from 4mb to 8mb.
and sladar is not right match for slark,TRIED.after 5th hit of slark(with Essence shift) SLADAR damage turn into shit and mana loss.then slark with life steal gain damage armor and (anything related to stats)-more dangerous = bashing slark
USE GONDAR,SPAM TOSS AND WINDWALK -prevent from attacked by slark,harras toss ...
i think tidehunter also can but he need to kill that slark b4 that slark hit him and steal some stats.VOID - hope on your backtrack.
some new items go against slark... such as ethreal blade.
ReplyDeleteLuna + EBlade = haxx > slark + divine
btw. the real hero that can kill slark swiftly is
Nerub weaver. vs slark.without any items.
once you get sukuchi and germinate attack pumped. slark can't touch you anymore.that'll be around lvl6/7 NW (well not unless he buys himself a gem), WAPAK!
^ additionally, sukuchi 5secs = 5.5 secs slark lvl6 shadow dance
ReplyDeletemeaning you just need to hide with sukuchi when he casts his lvl6 :D
Please Fix Spiritbreaker too!
ReplyDeleteWhy Comp's never use nether strike at all?thats why he's not good as in the older maps.
Please fix it.
Thanx a lot!
actually, slark is not that good. Its true that his skill removes all buffs. but with a gem/ward, what can he do? his shadow dance becomes practically useless. and the best hero to counter slark is by far a blood seeker. bloodrage him, rupture him, dagon him(if u are going for dagon build). Also, lion(or any super disabler such as shadow shaman or earthshaker) + supreme damaging hero = death for slark.
ReplyDeletedang....slark imba???
ReplyDeleteim sure there is a hero to counter slark...
ice frog is not that stupid to put imba hero in they???
mother fucker all of you.,!!slark is not a monster heroe,,ursa slardar axe troll broodmother wag mo na palakasin slark todo haras para matapos agad laro.,.
ReplyDeleteyah slark is not an imba.its a pice of shit of their mine,.,to all players that they said slark is a imba fuck them all!!!lozers!!
ReplyDeletethx ja ja
ReplyDeletenonsense... all of u are weak
ReplyDeleteYeah, all of you are weak. People to kill slark first you have to have a special piece of equipment. It's called a brain. Then you have to pick Lucifer. Then you cast Doom on Slark. First, Slark doesn't even have enough hp to tank only Doom, not to mention LVL?Death. Secondly, Doom stops EVERYTHING: life steal, stats steal ,and ALL fucking spells and items including passives(evasion, etc.)SO SHUT THE **** UP, AND GO BITCH SLAP THAT DUMBASS SLARK!
ReplyDeleteto make slark can't live happily...just use bloodseeker...its disturbing him seriously...his ulti will not activated when his hp is below 40%.
ReplyDeleteto kill slark..just use lion or rhasta...combo skill...then slark will be respawn(DEATH)
to own slark..use Lucifer..cast doom on slark+LVL? him...LVL?death again..
if you hate slark very much,call all of your allied heroes,then gangbang that slark :)
well said^^
ReplyDeletetry make hero that have skill 2 in 1, (in front + behind), when he click stun at in front, it will toss the enemy hero from behind to his front, then it will stun the enemy, but the in front stun need delay 1 sec sumting while wait the toss coming, so, this hero still has delay at his in front stun then the enemy still can dogde the front stun..this hero need skill full to play, like pudge and mirana…then good in gb.
ReplyDeleteThis hero will be very cool !!! but that just his first skill, how about his 2rd,3rd and ultimate skill? ice frog will thing about that..XD,
but the behind toss need much long. maybe like pudge hook, 1000 long distance…but still small aoe,so it’s hard to toss. then i combine with mirana skill, hmm..if more far the distance he got toss, the stun will be more long period, max 4 sec and min 1 sec stun, then combine with 2 sec front stun, it will be 6 sec max and 3 sec min. so enemy will scare to chase this hero..but no one will scare with him if at in front coz his front stun has delay, so easy to dogde..XD
Slark is the best
ReplyDeleteHE CAN KILL U
if u
1 on 1(no items)
JUST use the 3rd skill so it steal ABILITY while THE enemy is decreasing his STR AGI INT ability PER attack will minus IT..........
lol u guys SLArK maybe imba but he will get pawned if he gets atacked by Nuke spells. And Dota is not about which hero is beter or which counters what, it's about how well u play ur hero and fu@#k*ng team work is required.
ReplyDeleteUse BS to counter slark! Have a good try XD
ReplyDeleteimba slark....pui!!!
ReplyDeleteI think icefrog need to decrease the shark 3rd skill period, maybe not 60 sec at lvl 4...maybe lower then that.
ReplyDeleteand change shark 1st skill, i think its not so suitable whit shark, maybe can put viper old 1st skill to shark, give attack speed but take more dmg at magic and physical dmg.
and i think troll 2rd skill can be change also..looks like useless. maybe u can put pasive skill or sumting.coz his bash and obvious AS make troll doesn't need his 2rd skill anymore i think.
then can u make earthshaker 2rd skill up to 400% coz 300% still like nothing?
change also rexxar 3rd's not cool, maybe can change with percent of cleaving or armor reduction.
also mirana leap, 10% AS is enought to make diffrent?
slark is a mere hero to defeat because DOTA is not made for 1on1 battle only.. and all the heroes that been made has strengths and weaknesses.. i agree that slark's skills are powerful but it is not imbalanced.. if it is imbalanced then what's the use of team play, combo skills and disabling items?? if you guys don't know how to use those three keys in winning a game.. then don't try to use the word imbalance either..
ReplyDeletetinker is dominant when the user has skills.. tinker is strong in early game but stronger in late game.. if he has BOT, shiva's, blink dagger, guinsoo, ghost scepter and manta style.. he can do 1on1 and wipe out the whole enemy's base..=))
lEts go To dOta- DOtA..!!!!
ReplyDeletei wAnt tO doTa-DotA...!!!
slark vs hero with ghost scepter? if the hero is nuker then probbably slark doesn't count for shit anymore!
ReplyDeleteif you buy mask of madness than the other hero is fucked
ReplyDeleteblame you self not the hero. you are the one who's controlling your own characters... noobs. theres alot of way how to defeat slark... trust your instincts.... and practice more... adios amigos see you all in GG client.
ReplyDeletethx ja ^^a
ReplyDeletedark terror cant defeat slark 1 on 1lolz
ReplyDeletedark terror oso strong with pudge at early game..coz his 2rd skill..
ReplyDeleteThe system requirements for DoTA is getting a little out of control. Sure, I know that more and more people are shifting to Win7 from XP, to quad cores from duo or single cores and so forth, but then to add full DirectX 11 to DoTA with full ambient occlusion and tessellation, isn't that a bit too much?
ReplyDeleteI just ran a Canyourunit test, and I realized that I didn't even meet the minimum system requirements for the game (Quad 3.0 ghertz or above, 4870/GTX270 or higher, 4.0 GB RAM). The recommended system requirements was simply insane, at i7 980, 8 GB DDR2, 5870 or higher. Right now, I can at most run DoTA at a slow 16 FPS at the lowest settings. I had a friend who met the recommended system requirements, but at the highest settings @ 1900x1200 resolution, he could only play it at 28 FPS, which is below the 30 FPS required to play games.
I mean come on -.- Not everyone here meets the "optimal system requirements" at i7 980X @ 4.7 ghertz, 5970 quadfire/GTX 480 quadsli, 16 GB RAM DDR3. To make things worse, I hear that DoTA 6.68 patch will include DirectX 12 with extreme tessellation and 3D vision settings. The DoTA 6.68 beta benchmark shows that only a computer with an i9 deca-core @ 5.0 ghertz, 48 GB DDR5 RAM, 6970 octo-fire/GTX580 octo-sli can run it at maxed settings at above 30 FPS.
:( *Sad Face*
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletethe only imba hero is syllabearr :)so all stfup cauz when sylla is full item no bdy can stop him .him and his bear double heroes:D
ReplyDeletedamn hell shit!!!when the hell will he release .67ai i cant the hell wait!!
ReplyDeleteroshan has been killed by anonymous
anonymous has been killed by neutral creeps
anonymous killed anonymuos
pheonix look like lina 1st skill...
kill por~ mung dead (*^*)
ReplyDeleteThat pheonix, are really the lina 1st skill bro... not same, but icefrog lazy to design new hero so he just take from lina skill....zzzz bad, i had no interest to play that pheonix.
ReplyDeletethat pheonix are really lina 1st skill leh bro.. ice frog so lazy to design new char, so he just take from lina bad.. and i had no interest to play pheonix..zz
ReplyDeleteslark imbaa!!1
ReplyDeletevery good
ReplyDeleteWTF !?
ReplyDeleteNoone Can Beat Slark If I Use Him
Pawned ~!
like any other hero slark is as good as the player who uses him ...
ReplyDeleteslark imba??ahahahahah..fucking noobs...1vs1 mybe..5vs5..he got no chance..
ReplyDeleteto fight slark there must be a disabler, dont let slark hit you, dont let his base damage increase.... he is imba if he keep hitting hero...
ReplyDeletewhere i can download 6.67 ai map
ReplyDeletewhen relaesed dota 6.68 ai ? :D
ReplyDeleteR A M P A G E !!
ReplyDeletetroll for slark (my opinion)
ReplyDeleteThe legendary invisible hand, Slark might be linked to it. I thought Slark's presence in the game managed to control the prices of the items successfully.
ReplyDeleteWell, its just an assumption... Any comments guys?
yeah his ulti says it all. i agree
ReplyDeleteI have an idea.. Imposing taxes might be a good way to control supply and demand of the items. You know, some protection can really work wonders :)
ReplyDeleteVery true, but what about the other forms of protection? Embargoes, quota, subsidy to name a few. These forms of protection could make the game more economically stable. For example, the upcoming infant industry, Icarus the Phoenix could very well be given a chance to survive the unstable economy. Please comment on how it helps
ReplyDeleteOk. :/
ReplyDeleteI think u guyz posted in the wrong section...
above 4 posts go into "retarded and useless shit nobody cares about" section...
i want hero eat hero
ReplyDeleteno one beats meepo when it comes to being imba.. give him boots of travel and he can PUSH ALL LANES better than tinker
ReplyDeleteta weno
ReplyDeletewhy Slark is IMBA??????
ReplyDeletesucces for Icefrog
ReplyDeletetired of waiting..
ReplyDeleteTired of waiting......
ReplyDeletehope there'll be a version that there's a hero name anubis xD
ReplyDeleteSlark can be owned by Yurnero though, One clean omnislash (With aghanims for total ownage) and a spin and a few hits and he's down.
ReplyDeleteMortred > Slark
Yurnero > Slark
Earthshaker > Slark
Ursa > Slark
Rikimaru (If you know how to kill slark with this hero) > Slark
Phantom Lancer > Slark
^^ Illusion owned.
And there's more heroes than can pwn slark with the right stuff and right techniques.
Now stop blabbering about slark being too imba.
isnt too long to create this map?
ReplyDeleteim overwhelmed with dissapointment,im tired to wait this Ai map
i think Omni is imba. with dagger & sangyas, he can kill everyone.
ReplyDeletetry this,,vengeful Spirit vs Slark
ReplyDeletevanguard,butterfly,sangeyasha,linken sphere,power threds,bladdimir...4..slark....
ReplyDeleteSlark imba ?? another hero Imba ??
ReplyDeleteNo Such Thing guys...
it's only your skill to get imba , not hero...
"skill on , talk off" hahahhaha
BMP is doing his best creating this map.
ReplyDeleteBTW, there's a lot of stupid fags here who knows only to talk and complain. Icefrog is a genius adding slark. Adding him makes a lot of players revise their tactics.
Cant wait to try the new AI map.
ReplyDeletegoblin techies has killed slark assist stone giant.
goblin techies has killed himself~~
can u pls add effect in the atributes...
ReplyDeletesuch as agility has efect that increases evasion?
y so long time havn't out 6.67 ai d ?? T_T
ReplyDeleteyeah.. nothing imbalance in dota so far
ReplyDeleteevery hero got a counter and it is fun to find
strategy with your friend to make a rampage combo
still best game ever for me
slark is too need a team to kill him(it)..probably two stunners... skills that suck attributes are also imba..specially on slark whose skill can get the opponents attributes(str,int,agi)..
ReplyDeletecompared to Dirage's skill w/c is also not permanent..dirge can only get STR...Slark can get ALL the 3 ATTRIBUTES
vengeful VS slark???
ReplyDeleteeven if venge stuns slark...then stun's cd time is enough for slark to akill her...try it...and even if the skill has reloaded, will vengeful have enough mana??hp??
@Anonymous: You need a team to kill him... You need a team to kill him only if every1 in your team is a noob like you. Now, who would like to play 1v1 against me? They can pick slark and I will pwn them like sluts.
ReplyDeleteOk, since all of you complain about slark being imba I will now give a detailed list of heroes whocan kill slark if you have enough skill:
ReplyDeleteAll of them
hye allz... any bdy wan to noe me??? im shenz.. hehe...
ReplyDeletei tell you all , slark is not imba ...
ReplyDeleteDo you often lose by slark?? or also other heroes ??
if yes , you are beginner !!
Well this is gay. Slark gets pwned by everyone. Am tired of waiting for the map. Buffmeplz got replaced by harreke. Will see how the tides of battle will turn-out for everyone of us.
ReplyDelete-Some person who loves Slark-
all of you saying slark is imba ar so DAMN STUPID!!! are you playing DOTA!!!???
its just a matter of ITEM!!!!
LOL slark is simple 2 kiLL! ! !
ReplyDeleteThe Phoenix hero seems to be kinda boring, I hope his skills are worth it
ReplyDeleteDamn this map hero will auto hack..."invul"
ReplyDeleteHi how are you? Slark is the best hero and i like to play with him but I think that Cantaur is strongest than Slark !!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope they will change invokers skills, even though u have fast hands, it still doesnt work because every time u change spells, like when running, invoker stops when u change combinations, hope they will change the "stop" effect everytime u change to quas, exort or wex...
ReplyDeletebarathum bug invulnerable
ReplyDeleteany update on 6.67c AI?