Dota 6.61d Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.61d News

Dota 6.61d Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.61d Download News and Update. IceFrog has just release Dota 6.61c to fix the compatibility problem with Patch 1.24. But since the map is made quickly after the patch release, it's highly possible that it still contains some bugs and Dota 6.61d map will follow.
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1st ako!! galing ko naman
ReplyDeleteOk, I fail to see how nobody has accounted for the fact that there are still some heroes that need balancing. For example, Dirge is severely underpowered. Like what the crap, he dies so fast. His flesh golem should be a normal skill with an extra 300 hp bonus and 15 second less cooldown. Also, his ulti should be a global blade mail aura that procs 50% at level 1 for full damage return. Another hero that needs a buff is Troll warlord. His bash has too low of a chance to proc, and needs to be buffed to at least 35%. Also, his blind should also work for magic spells including those like impale. These are just a few examples of what needs to be fixed immediately. Also, Dazzle needs a major nerf, to the point where he should be removed from the game he is so OP. I'm glad nobody picks him because they realize what fags they would be for choosing such an overpowered hero.
ReplyDeleteWHAT!? ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?? Dirge does NOT need to be buffed ANYMORE...if you are even moderately of a good player you would know why dirge is banned in every CW game....he is extremely op and can kill an entire team by kiting their asses....he cannot die
ReplyDeleteI want new hero, i want a sexygirl please make 1!!! T_T pls pls pls...
ReplyDeleteor make another panda heroes, the one with stone or dual blade, they look cool
i agree with the panda new hero thing...and agree with dennis and totally feels the svengetspumped guy is retard...dirge is so scary in team battles...troll bash increase %?his att speed is so fast and u increase the %?hero's bash wif 25% are slardar n void n their att speed is so slow but given troll att apeed is fast without item..he shud not have so high % of bash...dazzle op?noway....yes he is strong...still all hero has weakness and pros...mayb u play ur troll and get pawned by a pro dazzle then complain that troll nid to be buffed up and dazzle nid to be nerfed down...
ReplyDelete^bout the dual bladed panda..
ReplyDeletei think i played him in the older versions of DotA maps i jaz dont know when..i think he was retired by the map-maker since then..hope im wrong but i really wanna also see that dual-bladed panda again too...T_T
about the nerf of dazzle and the extra overpower of dirg. i disagree totally .dennis is rightl.this hero is capable killing the whole team . especially his extra dmgdealing ulti and slow. i think he needs decrease of the percentage from the ulti and overpower. about dazzle. in my opinion he should get more str. nothing else.
ReplyDeletePS about the panda idea.its awsome:)
gl hf
Dirge is a hero that works well in team fights..but if you play it alone maybe you will find the results differently..Dazzle is a support hero..his health is low but if you know how to defend you will know that he is a great hero to play??to nerf it??then it will be no good..troll now also works well in team fights because his ulti's duration not as long as when your allies is nearby,then activate your ulti's than troll will be scary enough..
ReplyDeleteif you think that dazzle need to be nerfed than what about tauren chieftain??his ulti is very destructive.. 35% of max hp..a 3k hero could get almost 1k of his is no good to play a full tank hero if you're facing him
I prefer that fix dmg showing on Kunkka when Tidebringer is/isn't ready, also it would be good when cd is shown on skill like in Nerubian Weaver 3rd skill. Sry about gramma
ReplyDeleteI want a hero remake like Life stealer his life steal are beyond imaginable imagine him with satanic,vladimirs offering and with rage he's unstoppable (Just my opinion)
ReplyDeleteCool with the panda hero His story must cross with Storm's
troll and lifestealer are my two favorite heroes.. honestly,troll i think got way stronger now, 1st of all, his base dmg are higher and you can kill roshan with threads and domi.. but still has a low hp so skill type heroes could pound him early game. but with BKB and lothars damn his unstoppable w/out noticing his near you, youd probably won't move, he'd bash you to death.. then lifestealer, basic build would be threads,mordigan,deso,vladymirs.. no question youd be owning.. just buy quelling blade and farm if you can't handle your lane thats for troll anf lifestealer..
ReplyDeletehope they won't get nerf
@ above. i totally agree.
ReplyDeletetrolls rampage now is way better, even with short duration, its enough for the kill and its low cd gives him better farming. so if for ex. viper is your lane enemy youd probably get hard in gaining gold so just gain the exp and hit the farm at lvl 6 and buy quelling blade, very useful and affordable..
lifestealer is a big pain, he literaly steals life insanely,.. imagine centaur facing lifestealer.. no question on whos gonna win.. i think the one who needs to get nerf is enchantress, at least decrease her wisp in healing abilities or decrease her untouchable to 65% or 70%.. thats just in my own opinion so anyone who says negative about that is surely gay haha ^^
ReplyDeleteat the one saying troll needs a buff,, are you serious? maybe when you played troll you got totally owned by others like dazzle.. i agree with a build lothars, he's rampage is for AS only so when troll is spoted, enemies back off a little (assuming it doesn't have any ally near it) immediately to avoid almost permabash when hit by troll.. so to get closed in just use lothars, and with BKB,(your the one being attacked by troll) holy shit just let go of the keyboard and say "f#@k you troll".. of course not unless you have a blade mail and you can say "yeah come on f#@k me more" hahahaha
ReplyDeleteman..if you nerf int..then i don't want to play know every int are not a late heroes..they just own at the other words they are if you make them can this be??enchantress is already balanced i think..he still not a match to jarakal in my opinion who is one of late heroes..and whatever you say about jarakal being buffed it won't change IceFrog's point of view..that jarakal already balanced with all of the skills that he got..I think the hero doesn't need to be buffed..the one that must be buffed is your skills..^^
ReplyDeleteman..if you nerf int..then i don't want to play know every int are not a late heroes..they just own at the other words they are if you make them can this be??enchantress is already balanced i think..he still not a match to jarakal in my opinion who is one of late heroes..and whatever you say about jarakal being buffed it won't change IceFrog's point of view..that jarakal already balanced with all of the skills that he got..I think the hero doesn't need to be buffed..the one that must be buffed is your skills..^^
ReplyDeletesorry i mistyped the word "he" actually must be "she" and sorry for the double mistake..
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